About Stella Yiu, MD

ALiEM Blog Contributor
Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa Staff Physician, The Ottawa Hospital

Remembering Dr. Robert Buckman

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For those who trained in Canada (especially Toronto), the name of Dr. Robert Buckman always brought a chuckle. He filled his lectures with his signature British wit and humour. Yet, the message was always loud and clear. Being an oncologist, he had great insight in communication with patients.

He was the first to teach us medical students about communication and professionalism: Kindness, empathy, delivering bad news, what to say when you don’t know what to say. A decade later, out of the countless hours of lectures, his stood out.

Truly a big loss to the medical educators community.

By |2016-11-11T18:51:56-08:00Oct 13, 2011|Medical Education|

Poll: YOU are on the residency selection committee. What would YOU do?


As an attending physician, you are friends with nurses and residents on social media.

One day, you are browsing through your social media page. You came across a photo of a student – a candidate applying to your program in fact – scantily clad, inebriated, dancing in a rave. The comments followed agreed on how wild he/she had partied and drank that night.

You are on the selection committee. Should this information be part of the assessment of the candidate?

 Please explain your decision in the comments section.
By |2016-11-11T18:51:57-08:00Oct 3, 2011|Medical Education|
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