A radiology pearl: A subtle orthopedic diagnosis

A man recently presents with knee pain after pivoting and torquing his knee while falling. He complains of concurrent mild ankle pain. He presents with this tib-fib xray. Realizing that a proximal fibular fracture can present concurrently with a medial malleolus fracture or deltoid ligament rupture, we obtained xrays of the ankle. We were looking for a Maisonneuve fracture.

Do you see an ankle injury in these four images?


By |2016-11-11T19:01:52-08:00Nov 13, 2009|Orthopedic, Radiology|

Trick of the Trade: Style points in pediatric orthopedics

With this hot summer season in California, kids have been running around and getting into all sorts of orthopedic troubles. Monkey bars are a common culprit. In treating pediatric patients in the ED, it’s worth spending an extra few minutes on the subtle style points.

Trick of the Trade:

Splint the buddy bear

You should consider keeping a stash of stuffed teddy bears in the ED for those patients, whom you splint or cast. It is a nice touch to have the patient go home with a teddy bear with the same “injury” and splint/cast.


It’s the little touches that will make your patient’s day a little less sucky.

By |2019-02-04T03:00:51-08:00Sep 23, 2009|Orthopedic, Pediatrics, Tricks of the Trade|
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