High sensitivity cardiac troponins for ED chest pain evaluation (2022 ACC pathway)

By |Categories: Cardiovascular, Expert Peer Reviewed (Clinical)|

How do we best use high-sensitivity cardiac troponin (hs-cTn) to risk stratify patients with symptoms concerning for an acute myocardial infarction (AMI)? The 2022 American College of Cardiology (ACC) pathway provides timely guidance [1]. We help you translate this to your clinical practice, by illustrating with a case. Time to know your hs-cTn better. Take-to-work points When interpreting the hs-cTn, you can use either of the following pathways to optimize both accuracy and patient throughput: European Society of Cardiology (ESC) 2020 0/1 hour or 0/2 hour pathway High-Sensitivity Troponin in the Evaluation of Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome (High-STEACS) [+]

ALiEM AIR Series | Toxicology Module

By |Categories: ALiEMU, Approved Instructional Resources (AIR series), Tox & Medications|

  Welcome to the AIR Toxicology Module! After carefully reviewing all relevant posts in the past 12 months from the top 50 sites of the Digital Impact Factor [1], the ALiEM AIR Team is proud to present the highest quality online content related to related to toxicology in the Emergency Department. 8 blog posts met our standard of online excellence and were approved for residency training by the AIR Series Board. More specifically, we identified 3 AIR and 5 Honorable Mentions. We recommend programs give 4 hours of III credit for this module. AIR Stamp of Approval and Honorable [+]

SAEM Clinical Images Series: Back Lesion

By |Categories: Dermatology, SAEM Clinical Images|

An 18-year-old-female with no known past medical history presented with a lesion on her back that had been present and enlarging for five months. It was not painful unless she touched it, and then only mildly tender. She denied any known cause, wound, prior rash, or other lesions. Her review of systems and past medical history were negative. Vitals: Normal Skin: An erythematous lenticular, or biconvex, lesion with distinct borders is noted at the left posterior [+]

SAEM Clinical Images Series: Retrobulbar Spot Sign

By |Categories: Ophthalmology, SAEM Clinical Images, Ultrasound|

A 59-year-old male with no known past medical history other than an incidental abdominal aortic aneurysm presented with sudden onset, painless vision loss in his left eye. The patient was watching TV two days prior when he saw a “brightness” in his left eye and then progressive blurriness until his vision faded away, all occurring within the span of a minute. At the time of presentation, he only sees a speck of light from that eye. He denied associated pain, flashes, floaters, jaw claudication, the sensation of a “curtain falling”, prior vision problems, or a [+]

SAEM Clinical Images Series: A Rare Case of Purpura

By |Categories: Allergy-Immunology, Renal, SAEM Clinical Images|

An 88-year-old female presented to the ER with a chief complaint of cough, vague abdominal pain, and a rash. The patient stated that she was started on Cipro eyedrops 1 or 2 days prior to presentation for a possible eye infection. A day prior to presentation she developed a purple purpuric rash on her lower extremities that gradually progressed up her legs, and was present on her buttocks thighs, and lower legs. It was not on her palms or soles. She had no mucous membrane involvement. She lives alone. The nursing home called EMS given [+]

SAEM Clinical Images Series: Fever with Rash

By |Categories: Dermatology, Infectious Disease, SAEM Clinical Images|

A 40-year-old male, tailor by occupation, was brought to the Emergency Department with complaints of high-grade fever for the past 11 days. Fever was documented to be 102°F and was not associated with any chills or rigors. The patient also complained of shortness of breath for one week associated with a dry cough, as well as an altered sensorium for one day. The patient during his hospital stay developed ARDS and was on mechanical ventilation for 20 days. He was then extubated and discharged after 27 days.   Skin: Multiple eschars on [+]

SAEM Clinical Images Series: Post-Vaccination Rash

By |Categories: Allergy-Immunology, Dermatology, SAEM Clinical Images|

A 42-year old Bengali man with a history of hyperlipidemia presented to the Emergency Department with facial swelling, diffuse rash, renal insufficiency and proteinuria after receiving his COVID-19 vaccine (Moderna) booster dose. There were no adverse events with the first two doses of the vaccine except for mild transient sore throat and cough after the 2nd dose. Within a few hours after the booster dose, the patient noted a pruritic rash initially on his scalp, that then spread to his torso associated with facial swelling, fever, and chills. He presented to his primary care physician [+]

SAEM Clinical Images Series: A Lethal Combination of Skin and Lung Findings

By |Categories: Dermatology, Pulmonary, Rheumatology, SAEM Clinical Images|

A 49-year-old female with a past medical history of recurrent diverticulitis initially presented with one month of shortness of breath and a minor nonproductive cough for which she was started on doxycycline by her primary care provider. She then developed a rash on her chest, upper back, and face. Antibiotics were switched to amoxicillin and azithromycin. She underwent a brief admission of six days for shortness of breath but did not have an oxygen requirement at that time. She was evaluated by pulmonology (evaluated for cocci, unknown results), and then discharged. She then presented again [+]

SAEM Clinical Images Series: Enigmatic Traumatic Hip Pain

By |Categories: Orthopedic, Radiology, SAEM Clinical Images|

An 84-year-old female presented with a chief complaint of right hip pain after a fall 12 hours prior to presentation. The patient reported a history of falls resulting in shoulder, rib, and left hip fractures in the past. The patient stated that upon getting out of bed, she took 4-5 steps, lost her balance, and fell backward onto the bedroom floor. She denied loss of consciousness. She denied syncope or vertigo before the fall. She was unable to bear weight due to a 7/10 intensity pain on the anterior medial aspect of her right thigh [+]

SAEM Clinical Images Series: Rapidly Spreading Rash

By |Categories: Dermatology, SAEM Clinical Images|

A 19-year-old female with a past medical history of epilepsy presented to the emergency department for evaluation of rash and fever. Two days prior to presentation she began to experience fevers with a Tmax of 103°F. One day before presentation she developed a rash that began on her face and slowly spread down her body, now involving her palms. The patient endorsed associated pruritus and cervical lymphadenopathy with the rash. The patient specifically denied mucous membrane involvement (mouth, eyes, genitalia), vomiting, diarrhea, dysuria, hematuria, neck stiffness, cough, dyspnea, chest pain, or exposure to ticks or [+]

Shuhan He, MD
ALiEM Senior Systems Engineer;
Director of Growth, Strategic Alliance Initiative, Center for Innovation and Digital Health
Massachusetts General Hospital;
Chief Scientific Officer, Conductscience.com
Shuhan He, MD