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SplintER Series: One Big Bounce

  A 5-year-old boy presents with right leg pain and a limp. His parents report it started after he was bouncing on the trampoline with his older sibling but they did not notice any specific trauma. He has tenderness over his proximal shin with no obvious injury. You suspect a fracture and obtain x-rays of the right knee (Figure 1). Figure 1. AP and Lateral x-rays of the right [+]

Jan 27, 201801, 2018

EM Match Advice: County Residency Programs

EM Match Advice is back with its last installment before the Rank Order List deadline (February 21), and puts the focus on county residency programs! In this episode, an esteemed panel peels back the [+]

Find it hard to keep current with all the new clinical updates? Get caught up on key evidence-based guidelines, clinical pearls, and patient-centered recommendations for your patients in Emergency Medicine.

Everything you need to survive and thrive in academia, focusing on professional development across the spectrum of life-long learners including medical students, residents, and faculty

EM Match Advice: County Residency Programs

EM Match Advice is back with its last installment before the Rank Order List deadline (February 21), and puts the focus on county residency programs! In this episode, an esteemed panel peels back the curtain on what it means to work and train in some of the busiest public Emergency Departments in the United States. These programs share a special brand of team-centered training, and residents learn how to make the most of limited resources while [+]

Sep 28, 201009, 2010

Tips to building authenticity into your talk

For lecturers, much focus is placed on improving the visual display and factual content of your talk. Keep slides simple Add relevant, non-extraneous images Avoid cramming too much information into your talk [+]

Sep 20, 201009, 2010

What is "contextualizing" patient care?

Medicine is as much about Science as it is about Art. This is no better illustrated than an educational intervention study about “contextualizing” patient care, published in JAMA. What is contextualization? It is [+]

Being a well-rounded healthcare professional goes beyond just knowing the scientific facts. Get inspired about your wellness, staying healthy, improving your efficiency, and finding a balanced work-life integration.

I am Dr. Ben Smith, Director of Emergency Ultrasound at University of Tennessee, Chattanooga: How I Work Smarter

If anyone in this series deserves the title of true “life hacker”, it’s Dr. Ben Smith (@UltrasoundJelly). A nuclear engineer turned emergency physician, you’ll see it is apparent he takes an engineer’s approach to productivity. In the clinical/education world, he is the Director of Emergency Ultrasound and the Associate Residency Director at University of Tennessee, Chattanooga. He’s a contributing member of FOAM via several websites, including and Although we may not all have [+]