ALiEM Book Club: THE CHECKLIST MANIFESTO – Join the conversation


New Horizons

Do you like the ALiEM Book Club?  Well we like you too!…  so much so that we want YOU to join in on the next book discussion! We are taking the blog and book club to another level by pairing up with Dr. Teresa Chan (@TChanMD), an academic emergentologist from Canada. We are breaking the barriers of the internet and laying the foundation for a real-time, interactive discussion utilizing social media.


By |2016-11-16T09:37:58-08:00Jul 22, 2013|Book Club|

Seth Godin’s TED talk on "Stop Stealing Dreams"

Seth Godin, a marketing guru, discusses his opinion about “what school is for” in this above video. Although this talk or Seth Godin are not directly related to medical education, this is still related to education and can still be applied to today’s medical education curriculum in many aspects.

Mr. Godin goes on to explain that school was modeled in the industrial age and has changed little ever since. The video covers such concepts as:

  • Standardized exams in the industrial age were used as a tool to sort students. The person who created the standardized exams later on came to believe that the standardized exams were too crude, but due to his new conclusions he was excluded from his field.
  • Teachers in the industrial age believed that school was about teaching obedience and respect.
  • The industrial revolution created products en mass, but also needed people who were educated on consuming these products in order to survive. Therefore, schools were also created to educate people (or make replicas of people) about these products.


By |2018-10-28T21:48:27-07:00Nov 15, 2012|Medical Education|

TED video: The happy secret to better work

If you have a few minutes, take a listen to this rather humorous and thought-provoking TED video about the “intersection of human potential, success, and happiness”. The speaker, Shawn Achor, is the CEO of Good Think Inc, a Cambridge-based consulting firm which researches positive outliers — people who are well above average, and author of “The Happiness Advantage”.

“If we study what is merely average, we will remain merely average.”

By |2019-01-28T22:19:41-08:00Apr 30, 2012|Medical Education|

TED-Ed Brain Trust: Catalyzing an education revolution

ted-icon-1n27gebIf you have not heard of TED videos, I highly encourage you to view them. They are short, inspirational, and professional talks by leaders, scientists, and artists, who focus on bringing together the 3 worlds of Technology, Entertainment, and Design.

Because many of these videos focus primarily on education, TED has just built a new online community of educators called the “TED-Ed Brain Trust“. The mission is to bring together “the expertise of visionary educators, students, organizations, filmmakers and other creative professionals to guide, galvanize and ultimately lead this exciting new initiative.”


By |2019-01-28T22:38:43-08:00Jul 19, 2011|Medical Education|

School Sucks: Building a new culture of teaching and learning


In his talk (subtitled “School Sucks”), Northwestern University Physics Professor Dr. Tae describes how he would improve math and science education. While this is directed at college studies, some of the concepts are applicable to teaching Emergency Medicine.

He shares a lot of great insight, but I wanted to focus on one concept in particular:

The secret to learning = “Work your ass off until you figure it out.” 


By |2019-02-19T18:08:09-08:00Feb 3, 2011|Medical Education|
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