ALiEMU relaunch

ALiEMU is 5 years old, and we are moving out of our toddler stages and growing up developmentally. As we all rely more heavily on digital resources during the COVID-19 era, we felt that this was the perfect time for a major upgrade. Our team remains committed to the motto of “Be Free to Learn,” and in accordance with this mantra, all of the content on our custom learning management system is open-access for anyone interested in learning about emergency medicine topics. We also remain committed to helping EM residency programs who need a trusted resource for asynchronous conference credit (Individualized Interactive Instruction). We have hosted 12,000 learners and awarded 40,000 course certificates since 2015, but we are starting fresh with a new user database after the relaunch. Why and what is new?

ALiEMU Redesign!

The relaunch of the website brings with it a number of exciting new features–these new functions require that all users start afresh with a new login and password. As always, each course completed is worth a certain number of Hours of III credit (and comes with a Certificate of Completion as before), but for the first time, ALiEMU has implemented a new system of rewards! 


Badges and Rewards

As you accrue Hours in the new system, your ALiEMU Level will rise. In addition to Hours, each course finished earns a unique Badge, which serves as a testament to your hard work. Completion of certain series of courses unlocks a special badge known as an Expertise. All of your unlocked awards are visible on your profile page for all to see. We have big plans for the future, as certain Levels, Badges, or Expertises may earn you exclusive benefits in the ALiEM world. Keep an eye out!

ALiEMU levelALiEMU course badgeALiEMU expert badge 


We have updated our courses within our 3 major series: 

  1. AIR
  2. Capsules

We are excited to be announcing several more in the near future. Read more about these three ALiEMU series.

Executive Team

The ALiEMU initiative would not have been possible without the foundational work led by the original team featuring Dr. Chris Gaafary, Derek Sifford, Dr. Charlotte Lawson, and Dr. Michelle Lin. The team continues to feature modern educator-scholar-technologists with unique qualifications and skills. The two newest leaders include Dr. Christopher Nash (Chief Technology Officer) and Dr. Brad Gordon (Senior Technology Consultant). View the entire list of team members

For Residency Directors

Note that the linked coaching system is no longer available. Instead to track your resident’s progress, you can:

  1. Ask them to submit PDF certificates to your program coordinator to monitor.
  2. Access the Public Report page where you can search for your resident’s name manually.

Read more tips for residency conference credit monitoring. Contact us if you have feedback or suggestions.

Christopher J. Nash, MD, EdM

Christopher J. Nash, MD, EdM

Medical Education Fellow and Emergency Physician
Massachusetts General Hospital
Christopher J. Nash, MD, EdM

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Michelle Lin, MD
ALiEM Founder and CEO
Professor and Digital Innovation Lab Director
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Michelle Lin, MD


Professor of Emerg Med at UCSF-Zuckerberg SF General. ALiEM Founder @aliemteam #PostitPearls at Bio:
Michelle Lin, MD