About Alecia Gende, DO

ALiEM Wellness Think Tank Wellness Champion
EM Resident
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of Iowa Hospital & Clinics

Approaching Wellness in the ED: A Conversation with Wellness Expert Dr. Shahina Braganza

The Wellness Think Tank created a podcast with wellness expert Dr. Shahina Braganza from the Gold Coast in Australia. Facilitated by Dr. Annahieta “AK” Kalantari and joined by EM residents Dr. Alecia Gende and Dr. Adrienne Taren, the conversation covers a broad range of topics including the concepts behind Emotional Contagion, Dr. Braganza’s published “oneED” program1, and the challenges of adopting wellness initiatives in the ED. We present the podcast and highlights below.


By |2018-07-22T21:17:15-07:00Jul 23, 2018|Wellness, Wellness Think Tank|

Resilience in EM Despite Litigation: An Interview with Dr. Gita Pensa

You have just signed out from one of the best shifts in your career. You feel like you were born to do this! You’re a great EM doctor! Then, you spot him, a man in a dark suit making eye contact as you walk through the lobby towards the exit. He stops and asks, “Are you Dr. About-to-get Sued?” Being named in a malpractice lawsuit is a potentially devastating, frequently unmentioned, and yet rather common event in EM. Providers may find themselves feeling isolated and ashamed, questioning their career choice regardless of the trial outcome. Members of the ALiEM Wellness Think Tank recently spoke with Dr. Gita Pensa about how to find resilience in EM despite involvement in a lawsuit. We provide the full podcast and a summary below.


By |2019-02-19T18:38:21-08:00Mar 15, 2018|Medicolegal, Wellness, Wellness Think Tank|
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