About Mansoor Siddiqui, MD

Medical Education Fellow
Department of Emergency Medicine
Thomas Jefferson University

IDEA Series: A Workshop to Reflect on Personal Resilience

The Problem

Burnout is a well-known syndrome characterized by poor self-care, dehumanization, exhaustion, and reduced effectiveness. The study of wellness and resilience among emergency medicine (EM) providers and trainees has recently blossomed, largely as a consequence of recent tragedies of physician suicide, provider distress, and an increased awareness the impact burnout has on both personal and professional domains. While there are ongoing discussions on practices to best address burnout, methods have focused on promoting resilience, mindfulness, and provider engagement.1


By |2019-09-10T14:21:25-07:00Feb 12, 2019|IDEA series, Wellness|

Building a Cohesive Residency Program: Top 10 Strategies to Engage Residents

group holding hands strategies to engage residentsWelcome to the beginning of the most exciting and terrifying time in your residency — the start to a new year! To help start the year off right a group of chief residents from across the country, through the ALiEM Chief Resident Incubator, have gotten together and compiled a list of ways for chief residents (and other resident leaders) to engage residents early to hopefully make this the best year yet of residency.


By |2019-03-28T19:14:10-07:00Aug 7, 2017|Incubators, Medical Education|
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