IDEA Series | “Saving Society” Podcast Series Teaches Residents Reflective Practice Through Debriefing

The Problem

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Emergency physicians (EPs) experience professional burnout more than 3 times that of the average physician.​1​ In a recent study, the prevalence of burnout among emergency medicine residents was found to be an astounding 76.1%, suggesting that burnout begins as early as residency training.​2​ The emotional impact of witnessing suffering and death and the high-stakes, stressful environment of the ED likely contribute to burnout among trainees.

One potential protective factor against burnout is the strategic use of debriefing to mitigate work-related stress. Debriefing involves taking the opportunity to discuss and reflect upon a recent experience with a group of peers who share an understanding of the experience’s context. Debriefing can create a space for peers to provide mentorship, support and feedback to each other, thereby reducing work-related stress.​3,4​
