SplintER Series: Kitty Nibble: A Case of the Sausage Finger

A 30-year-old female presents with left second finger pain with overlying erythema, warmth, and swelling the day after her cat bit her finger. She cannot fully extend the finger, it is tender and she has pain when it is passively extended. Her hand appears as shown above (Figure 1. Case courtesy of Kristina Kyle, MD).



SplintER Series: A Case of Hip Pain

humeral shaft fracture xray

Figure 1. Image prompt: AP view of the pelvis and left hip. Authors’ own images.

A 70-year-old male presents with left hip pain and inability to ambulate after a mechanical trip and fall. Examination demonstrates that the left lower extremity is shortened, abducted and externally rotated. Hip and pelvis x-rays are obtained (Figure 1).



SplintER Series: Venous Thoracic Outlet Syndrome


A 29-year-old male presents with right shoulder pain, throbbing, and swelling. He states that a bulge has appeared over his right anterior shoulder recently (Image 1). While he was doing pushups today, he began to have numbness, tingling, and weakness in his right arm. While in the waiting room, his symptoms have completely resolved.

axillary varix

Image 1: Bedside ultrasound of the anterior shoulder at the site of the bulge. AA=axillary artery. AV=axillary vein. Author’s image.



SplintER Series: Keep Your Knees Up

patella alta

A 27-year-old female presents with left knee pain after a low-speed motor vehicle collision in which her knee hit the dashboard. She is tender over the patella without significant effusion and has an intact extensor mechanism. The above x-ray was obtained (Image 1. X-ray left knee. Case courtesy of Dr. M. Mourits, Radiopaedia.org, rID: 14476). 



SplintER Series: A Temporary Pain in the Neck


Neck pain

An 18-year-old football player presents to the Emergency Department after an episode of transient numbness, tingling, and inability to move his right upper extremity after making a tackle. He continued playing without recurrence. The above imaging was obtained (Figure 1. Lateral cervical spine x-ray. Case courtesy of Dr Andrew Dixon, Radiopaedia.org, rID: 32505).



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