DIY Ultrasound Model: Procedure – Lumbar Puncture

This page summarizes do-it-yourself (DIY) ultrasound models for teaching the lumbar puncture. Read more on the DIY ultrasound model compendium.

A Low-Cost Ultrasound Phantom of the Lumbosacral Spine​1​

MaterialsLumbar spine model, gelatin, 4 L container for the model, epoxy adhesive
Estimated CostApproximately $40


A lumbar spine model is secured to the bottom of a 4 liter container with epoxy. The container is then filled with gelatin, which is allowed to harden. The model may be microwaved to remove old needle tracks. I believe this model could be improved by generating synthetic skin to allow learners to mark the “skin” as they would during the actual procedure.

Versatile, Reusable, and Inexpensive Ultrasound Phantom Procedural Trainers​2​

MaterialsBallistics gel, latex tubing, spinal model, container for the model
Estimated CostApproximately $60


Latex tubing is filled with clear liquid and then vertically threaded through a spinal model. The entire apparatus is then taped to the bottom of a container, which is then filled with ballistics gel.

Updated April 23, 2019


  1. 1.
    Bellingham GA, Peng PWH. A Low-Cost Ultrasound Phantom of the Lumbosacral Spine. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. May 2010:290-293. doi:10.1097/aap.0b013e3181c75a76
  2. 2.
    Morrow D, Cupp J, Broder J. Versatile, Reusable, and Inexpensive Ultrasound Phantom Procedural Trainers. J Ultrasound Med. 2016;35(4):831-841.
Dallas Holladay, DO

Dallas Holladay, DO

Assistant Professor and Clerkship Director
Department of Emergency Medicine
Rush University
Dallas Holladay, DO


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