istock-scared-turtleLove sitting in the audience at national and local conferences listening to great speakers, but always have that nagging feeling that you also have something valuable to teach and share with the audience? Or have you ever wanted to directly confront your greatest fear of public speaking in front of your EM colleagues? Consider speaking opportunities through organization such as AAEM and ACEP!

Attending conference, national or local, is usually fun on many levels and of course educational. It’s a great opportunity to hear about the latest in EKGs from Dr. Amal Mattu, or the latest in bedside ultrasound from Dr. Mike Stone. These two represent only a small fraction of great speakers who come to these  events. But organizations such as AAEM and ACEP are always looking for new speakers and talent to showcase. This could be you!

How to get started?

Both AAEM and ACEP have opportunities at their national conferences to get involved.

AAEM Open Mic Session

  • February 13, 2014 in New York City
  • Participants can speak for 20 minutes on any topic within Emergency Medicine with 5 minute available for answering questions.

ACEP New Speakers Forum

  • This was held in October 2013 at the Seattle national conference.  There were many participants active in the #FOAMed world including Dr. Haney Mallemat (@CriticalCareNow). Registration will be open next spring for ACEP 2014, which will be held in Chicago.

ACOEP  New Speaker’s Forum.

  • Second year hosting! Spring Seminar, Scottsdale Arizona, April 22-26, 2014. Details to follow, contact Dr. Nilesh Patel (chair) for more information.

Local is a great place to start!

You can start speaking at the hospital you are involved with. From there you can contact local residencies and offer lectures that you have available as potential Grand Round lectures. When you travel, you can contact other hospitals and residencies and offer lectures based upon your expertise and already prepared lectures.  

A great tip learned from Dr. Terrence Mulligan (@tmulligan) from the University of Maryland is to always carry around extra lectures whenever you go to conferences or meetings. Invariably someone may be delayed from travel woes and the organizers will be scrambling to fill open spots… thus the prime opportunity for you to save the day!

ACEP13 Winner

The winner of the #ACEP13 New Speakers Forum was Dr. Rebecca Bavolek (@rbavs) from Washington University. Her talk impressed the judges, and stood out against fierce competition. Keep in mind while viewing the slides that the knowledge comes from the speaker themselves with slides as a mere backdrop. That being said, these are still a great set of slides from an incredible presentation!

[slideshare id=28588725&doc=obresuscitationfinalcut-131125000704-phpapp02]


Nikita Joshi, MD

Nikita Joshi, MD

ALiEM Chief People Officer and Associate Editor
Clinical Instructor
Department of Emergency Medicine
Stanford University
Nikita Joshi, MD


Emergency Medicine Doctor Associate Editor of ALiEM Gun Sense Advocate #FOAMed #Docs4GunSense #MomsDemandAction Tweets represent my own views and opinions