How I Work Smarter Nominations
(Jul 17, 2014-Mar 22, 2015)

Today we are taking a break from our regularly schedule program and going meta. FOAM clearly helps break down borders, but sometimes, a look at a map really brings it home. These connections were launched when Dr. Michelle Lin tagged 3 people for their “How I Work Smarter” perspectives, who then each tagged 3 people, and so forth. We have had enough responders (37!) to keep this going for many months. This has cascaded and created a broad virtual international community of smart-working clinicians. Below are more close-up views of the US, UK, and Australia map and a few more insights.

How I Work Smarter: Map Observations

  • There is a clear axis of nominations, back and forth between: US – Canada – UK – Australia (in no particular order)
  • Hotbeds:
    • US – Entire Upper East Coast and dark horse Lexington, Kentucky
    • UK – Manchester and Leicester
    • Australia – Melbourne and Sydney
  • Large cities mostly (and surprisingly) ascent are LA in the US and London in the UK.
  • While nominations cross an impressive number of boarders, most countries outside of the above mentioned have been largely ignored.

How I Work Smarter US Nominations

UK How I Work Smarter map How I Work Smarter UK Nominations

Australia HIWS Small How I Work Smarter Australia Nominations

Benjamin Azan, MD

Benjamin Azan, MD

Emergency Physician
Lincoln Medical Center
Founder/Editor of
Benjamin Azan, MD


ED attending in NYC, #FOAMed enthusiast, #MedEd, founder of
Benjamin Azan, MD

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