medic document

MEdIC Case Development Guidelines

Thank-you so much for your interest in drafting cases! Please continue reading below for more details.

A previous example of our MEdIC Series cases can be found here.  Also, you can download these guidelines at this link.

Our Purpose

The purpose of the MEdIC series is to create resources that allow you to engage in ‘guerrilla’ faculty development – enticing and engaging individuals who might not have time to attend faculty development workshops to think about challenging cases in medical education.  We hope to support our readership’s development by creating Expert Peer Reviewed content featuring prominent thinkers in emergency medicine (and beyond) on key topics.

Case Format

Cases should be written as a short descriptive narrative.  We prefer cases that are written in a style consistent with a fictional story that sets the stage for our readers.

End with a thought-provoking question

At the end of the case, you should pose a direct question to the readership regarding the conundrum faced by the characters in the case.  (e.g. What would you do if you were Mary?  What might you suggest to Sankalp if you were his chief resident?)

Word Limit

500 words

Expert Referrals

We don’t expect you to solicit experts commentators for us, but often people who develop the cases may have experts in mind.  Please let us know if you have experts that you would like to suggest or recruit to be the commentators for your case!


If it is based on a real situation, you should make every effort to conceal the identity of any teachers/learners involved (change name, change specialties, etc..).  If possible, we would prefer if you extract the core problem and build an analogous but fictional scenario that has a similar conundrum.  (e.g. A leadership case about a Division Chair is replaced by similar case about a Program Director.)

How do I submit?

Submissions may be sent to us directly via email.  Please address to:  Teresa or Brent.

Michelle Lin, MD
ALiEM Founder and CEO
Professor and Digital Innovation Lab Director
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Michelle Lin, MD


Professor of Emerg Med at UCSF-Zuckerberg SF General. ALiEM Founder @aliemteam #PostitPearls at Bio:
Michelle Lin, MD