We are back from our break with more How I Work Smarter. We hope you enjoyed our new sister series Healthy in EM! Today we have a FOAM and Twitter staple weighing in: Dr. Minh Le Cong (@ketaminh). He is a senior officer with the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Australia. He holds quite a few degrees/certifications. In fact, we should really publish his full title: Dr. Minh Le Cong MBBS, FRACGP, FACRRM, FARGP, FACAsM, GDRGP, GEM, CertIVTAA, PGDAeroRT. He is the driving force behind the PHARM blog and podcast which focuses on out of hospital and retrieval medicine. Dr. Le Cong has kept his advice brief, but if you are curious on how he managed to include God, the Dalai Lama, and Scott Weingart in one post, keep reading.


  • Name: Minh Le CongMinh Le Cong Square Head Shot
  • Location: Cairns & Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia
  • Current job: Senior Medical Officer, Royal Flying Doctor Service, Queensland Section
  • One word that best describes how you work: Remote
  • Current mobile device: iPhone 4S + iPad 2
  • Current computer: Samsung Windows 7 laptop

What’s your office workspace setup like?

It’s a small desk in quiet room for laptop work and also podcast recording.

Air Minh Le Cong Small Dr. Le Cong’s other office, up in the sky.

What’s your best time-saving tip in the office or home?

iCalendar to keep on track and schedule.

What’s your best time-saving tip regarding email management?

I use Outlook app on iphone/ipad to review emails on the go. It helps me stay in touch with remote workforce. Also get up early to sort out email inbox.

What’s your best time-saving tip in the ED?

Don’t order any tests and use bedside ultrasound for everything!

ED charting: Macros or no macros?

Not applicable to me thank God!

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received about work, life, or being efficient?

“Listen. You might learn something new, instead of talking about something you already know.” – Dalai Lama

Is there anything else you’d like to add that might be interesting to readers?

“You don’t need to know a lot of shit, you just need to give a shit” – Scott Weingart (my blogging mentor!)

Who would you love for us to track down to answer these same questions?

  1. Bill Hinckley (@UCAirCareDoc)
  2. James DuCanto (@jducanto)
  3. Mike Abernethy (@FLTDOC1)
Benjamin Azan, MD

Benjamin Azan, MD

Emergency Physician
Lincoln Medical Center
Founder/Editor of foambase.org
Benjamin Azan, MD


ED attending in NYC, #FOAMed enthusiast, #MedEd, founder of https://t.co/29SO7xxO8X
Benjamin Azan, MD

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