About Daniel Mirsch, DO

Fellow, Division of Point of Care Ultrasound
Clinical Faculty, Department of Emergency Medicine
Thomas Jefferson University

Ultrasound Gel Warmers in the Emergency Department?

warm ultrasound gel

How many times have you told a patient “The gel will be cold?” How many times have you watched a patient retract from the transducer because of the cold gel? How about a pediatric patient? Could warm gel improve your rate of clinically successful scans? It seems easy enough to install gel warmers alongside our ultrasound machines. But, should we do this?

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By |2019-05-14T21:47:14-07:00May 15, 2019|Infectious Disease, Ultrasound|

Ultrasound guided peripheral IV: It’s time to clean up our act

Have you ever performed a procedure, when suddenly, you are overcome by a sinking feeling that something just is not right? A mix of fear, guilt, and anger: Fear that you endangered a patient, guilt that you missed an important step in the procedure, and anger at yourself for being careless. The oath we take as physicians echoes loudly: Primum non nocere. First, do no harm.


By |2022-02-03T19:42:37-08:00Sep 11, 2018|Infectious Disease, Ultrasound|
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