About Dara Kass, MD

Assistant Professor
Ronald O. Perelman Department of Emergency Medicine
NYU School of Medicine
Editor in Chief, www.feminem.org

Welcome to the FemInEM Job Board

The first question people ask when they hear about the new FemInEM job board is “Why would you have a job board just for women?” I smile briefly, and then I explain. The FemInEM job board is for ALL doctors in EM. I understand the confusion, after all, we are a website dedicated to discussing and discovering issues related to women working in emergency medicine. We publish articles on gender bias in the workplace, reflect on the needs of new mothers returning from maternity leave and discuss programs that help women become leaders in our field. And since we spend so much time discussing environments conducive to the success of women physicians, it seemed natural for us to provide a forum where our readers could look for new jobs.


By |2016-12-21T08:59:45-08:00Oct 5, 2016|Social Media & Tech|

ALiEM-FeminEM Journal Club: Women in Academic Medicine

female_doctor_holding_stethoscope_400_clr_17638 smWe are very excited to present a special installment of the ALiEM Journal Club in collaboration with FeminEM featuring the JAMA article by Jena et al. entitled “Sex Differences in Academic Rank in U.S. Medical Schools in 2014.” 1 Despite correcting for a multitude of metrics such as time since residency completion and research productivity, women remain substantially less likely to attain the rank of full professor at academic centers. To many, this article’s conclusions come as no surprise. This journal club is meant to inspire discussion around gender disparities and brainstorm solutions of equality for all involved in academic medicine.


By |2016-11-11T19:39:50-08:00Oct 21, 2015|Medical Education|
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