About Jonathan Sherbino, MD, MEd

Associate Professor, McMaster University
Clinician Educator,
Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada

Thriving, Not Surviving, in Residency: JGME-ALiEM Hot Topics in Medical Education Journal Club

jgme aliem residency wellness journal clubThis year’s JGME-ALiEM Hot Topics in Medical Education journal club features the systematic review on residency wellness recently published in the Journal of Graduate Medical Education (JGME).  This week, share your thoughts about this timely topic and paper on the blog, on Twitter (follow #JGMEscholar) and during a live Google Hangout with author Kristin Raj, MD (@KristinRajMD), Christopher Doty, MD (@PoppasPearls), and Jonathan Sherbino, MD (@Sherbino). Ultimately, a curated summary of our discussions will be published in the JGME. Some of your best tweets and blog comments will be featured.

What Makes a Great Resident Teacher: JGME-ALiEM Hot Topic in Medical Education

ALiEMJGME logo smLet’s talk journals, knowledge translation, and building our community of practice around scholarship hot topics specifically in medical education. This week we are piloting a cross-disciplinary discussion week, featuring and co-hosted by the Journal of Graduate Medical Education (JGME). We talk about the hot topic of the Resident As Teacher role in the JGME publication entitled “What Makes a Great Resident Teacher? A Multicenter Survey of Medical Students Attending an Internal Medicine Conference” by Melvin et al. using the Twitter hashtag #JGMEscholar.


By |2018-01-30T01:57:07-08:00Jan 12, 2015|Medical Education|
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