About Katie Rebillot, DO

Chief Operating Officer, Wellness Think Tank 2019-20
Assistant Professor
Department of Emergency Medicine
LA County-University Southern California

Physician Wellness in the COVID-19 Era | Wellness Think Tank

wellness think tank physician wellnessThe COVID-19 pandemic has changed our world in many ways, and for trainees in medicine, the new day-to-day experience of residency continues to adapt and take shape. COVID-19 has undoubtedly affected clinical experiences and educational curricula for residencies. Personal wellbeing for EM residents has become even more important with the new stressors of being on the frontlines. How has the resident experience changed in the ED? How are residents dealing personally and professionally with the new state of things? What strategies, interventions, and resources that residents are utilizing to combat burnout?


By |2020-07-28T07:03:27-07:00Jul 31, 2020|Life, Wellness, Wellness Think Tank|

National Physician Suicide Awareness Day 2019

national physician suicide awareness day

To address the growing issue of physician suicide, the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors (CORD), in collaboration with AAEM, ACEP, ACOEP, EMRA, RSA, RSO and SAEM, annually join forces to help highlight the issues and drive change. 

At ALiEM Wellness Think Tank, we tackle resident issues such as preventing suicide and burnout, enhancing resilience, and promoting overall quality of life. Suicide is an important topic that affects our physicians and the future of our specialty. We advocate a culture of support, transparency and openness. If you, or someone you know is exhibiting signs of depression or suicidal ideation, please seek help immediately. Together, we can make the cultural shift to support mental health awareness in medicine and decrease depression and suicide rates. 

By |2019-09-17T09:30:34-07:00Sep 17, 2019|Life, Wellness, Wellness Think Tank|
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