About Mac Chamberlin, MD

Emergency Medicine Resident
Highland Hospital

Procedural Sedation Guide

Mastering procedural sedation can make your shifts safer, more efficient, and more comfortable for your patients. But what defines a sedation? What and who do I need? Does my patient need to be fasting? How should I choose and dose my medications? Below is a brief guide to help you be more confident in your definitions, preparation, and medications. Included is a guide card you can print out and clip behind your badge! Read on and be a pro for your next on-shift sedation. 


Treating Opioid Withdrawal in the ED with Buprenorphine: A Bridge to Recovery

buprenorphineThe Emergency Department (ED) is the frontline of the opioid crisis, treating patients with opioid-related infections, opioid withdrawal, and overdose. These encounters can be difficult or even downright confrontational. But that does not have to be the case! With the use of buprenorphine, we can “flip the script” for these encounters, encouraging patient-provider collaboration in the treatment of opioid addiction as medical disease.


By |2018-05-30T00:43:53-07:00May 30, 2018|Tox & Medications|
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