About Yen Chow, MD CCFP

Emergency Physician, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre;
Regional Medical Director, Ornge;
Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine Section, Northern Ontario School of Medicine

Trick of the Trade: Ear foreign body removal with modified suction setup

popcorn-kernelsA 5 year old boy comes in who has stuck a small unpopped popcorn kernel into each ear. My resident and I discuss  different methods to try to get it out including an ear curette, tissue glue, suction, and calling the ear-nose-throat (ENT) specialist. The ear curette won’t work to get around and the kernels are smooth and hard to grasp and might cause trauma with swelling or bleeding. We quickly excluded irrigation because the kernel might swell more. Another method considered was a drop of tissue adhesive onto a q-tip stick to adhere onto the foreign body (FB) for extraction. We were a little leary of this however for fear of gluing the FB to the ear canal and suffering the wrath of ENT.


By |2020-03-01T18:14:04-08:00Aug 25, 2015|ENT, Tricks of the Trade|

Trick of the Trade: Pediatric video laryngoscope for ear foreign bodies

tweezerIt is near the end of your shift and one of the nurses asks you to see a fellow ED staff member’s nine-year old daughter who has accidentally put a foreign body into her ear. You go see her and the otoscope reveals a small shiny jewel within the ear canal however flushing does not work to get it out. Next you try using the otoscope, while exposing the ear canal and holding the forceps to grasp the object. Unfortunately, it is difficult to get your assistant to align the light, and the otoscope speculum is limited in view and access.


By |2016-11-11T19:35:39-08:00Nov 26, 2014|ENT, Tricks of the Trade|
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