OldschoolWith all of the advances in technology and social media, the “old school” world of traditional academia doesn’t know what to do with medical professionals who incorporate technologies into their educational practices. To justify these past 2 years of blogging during my free time, I wanted to collect data on who my readers are and the impact of my blog (if any).

I could sure use a few minutes of your time and input to help with my promotions process. Let’s push traditional academia to change with the times. Thanks a bunch.

UPDATE (9/9/11): Wow, I am overwhelmed and humbled by everyone’s kind words. This survey alone illustrates the power, reach, and immediacy of social media. I’ve gotten 147 responses already! (see responses on Google Docs Forms). Now I know for certain that I am on the right track in pushing for social media technologies in medical education. 


Michelle Lin, MD
ALiEM Founder and CEO
Professor and Digital Innovation Lab Director
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Michelle Lin, MD


Professor of Emerg Med at UCSF-Zuckerberg SF General. ALiEM Founder @aliemteam #PostitPearls at https://t.co/50EapJORCa Bio: https://t.co/7v7cgJqNEn
Michelle Lin, MD