Screen Shot 2013-06-11 at 12.11.31 AMThe following compilation of the Most Interesting Articles in 2012 is the work of the EM residents at the Jacobi/Montefiore Emergency Medicine Residency Program.


Standing at the intersection of patient care and academics, we Emergency Medicine residents have overwhelming expectations. We’re the ones dropping NG tubes, popping abscesses, and pushing stretchers, while also expected to remain up to date with current research and trends in our field. With all these lofty expectations, not to mention the ever-present requirement of sleep and caloric intake, how does a resident pick which papers to read in this sea of literature?

To help answer this question, we put together a list of the Most Interesting Articles of 2012 (the MIA). It’s our attempt to distill down a handful of interesting articles and publications every resident should be familiar (the ones with acronyms), and be able to refer back to these in their clinical practice. This collection of one-page summaries, written by EM residents, represents only the opinions of these residents, and is aimed at you, our fellow resident. We included all types of articles, with the only requirement being that they would improve patient care and make your life a little easier. So to our fellow residents, enjoy. Whether on the subway, on your lunch break (ha!), or at the bar, we hope you can learn something to bring back to your clinical practice.

Any questions or comments? We love to talk EM.

Thank you and mahalo,
Vince Nguyen & Patrick Corey



Vincent Nguyen, MD (EM resident PGY-4) @himynameisvince
Patrick Corey, MD (EM resident PGY-4) @pcoreyEM


Albin Xavier, MD (EM resident PGY-3) @AlbinXavier1
Andrew Williams, MD (EM resident PGY-2) @DocAWilliams
Moses Washington, MD (EM resident PGY-2) @maw2485
Paul Mello, MD (EM resident PGY-1) @Zendoc06
Adenike Odunmbaku, MD (EM resident PGY-1) @adenike444


Michelle Lin, MD
ALiEM Founder and CEO
Professor and Digital Innovation Lab Director
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Michelle Lin, MD


Professor of Emerg Med at UCSF-Zuckerberg SF General. ALiEM Founder @aliemteam #PostitPearls at Bio:
Michelle Lin, MD