It’s all about luck, opportunity, and timing.

I will be releasing the blog’s first ever Paucis Verbis (PV) native app this year. After a few years of brainstorming and lots of reader inquiries about an app, we were approached by two different app-building companies in the same week. I’m incredibly humbled to be approached by organizations, who can see the potential of these pocket cards (which started as actual index cards while I was in residency). It is an incredibly exciting time to be in the world of education and social media!

I need your help with step 1.

We plan to release a small subset of “core” PV cards, which are the most useful in the ED and day-to-day practice. I, however, have no way to track how my PV cards are being used because they are freely available on the blog, in Evernote, and in Dropbox. Please help me get a sense of which PV cards to include in the initial core set.

YOU can shape the content of what’s released in the PV Cards App (version 1.0). The list is a bit long with 122 titles, but please spend a minute to fill out this survey. Here is the indexed list of PV cards and their associated blog posts: PV card index. Thanks in advance.

If all goes well, this app will be available for FREE.


Update March 13, 2013:
Thank you all so much for participating and responding in overwhelming numbers! The first set of “core” PV cards to be released will likely be:

  1. ABG interpretation
  2. Anaphylaxis
  3. C1-C2 fractures
  4. Cervical spine rules
  5. Chest pain, low risk ACS
  6. Continuous infusions
  7. Contraindications for tPA in CVA
  8. DVT diagnostic guidelines (ACCP)
  9. Early goal direct therapy in sepsis
  10. EKG: Lead aVR
  11. Electrolytes and ECG
  12. Head CT in trauma: decision rules
  13. Neutropenic fever and cancer
  14. Overanticoagulation and INR
  15. PE clinical decision rules
  16. PE indications for fibrinolysis
  17. Pediatric fever (1-3 mo)
  18. Pediatric fever (3 mo-3 yr)
  19. Pediatric fever (neonate)
  20. Pediatric head trauma (PECARN)
  21. Procedural sedation
  22. Rapid sequence intubation
  23. Seizure, status epilepticus
  24. Sgarbossa criteria for LBBB
  25. Shock
  26. Shock, vasopressors, inotropes
  27. Upper GI bleed
  28. VBG vs ABG
  29. Ventilator settings: Lung protection
  30. Ventilator settings: Obstructive dz
Michelle Lin, MD
ALiEM Founder and CEO
Professor and Digital Innovation Lab Director
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Michelle Lin, MD


Professor of Emerg Med at UCSF-Zuckerberg SF General. ALiEM Founder @aliemteam #PostitPearls at Bio:
Michelle Lin, MD