BetterPostersI am in the midst of generating posters for the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP) conference. My residents and I came across this resourceful site about making them.

This site is full of tips to make scientific posters cleaner and more informative. I particularly like when he offers suggestions to sample posters.

Tips we learned from the site:

  • Colour scheme: choose colours so they are consistent, but not too much gray.
  • Font matters: San serif fonts are easier to read, just like in slides. He happens to like Gill Sans, which is my favorite presentation font.
  • Text should align.
  • White spaces are essential. Try not to crowd the text.
  • Some presenters now insert a QR code to embed more content, maybe a video or a website link when the code is scanned by a smartphone.

academic life in em QR code

Stella Yiu, MD

Stella Yiu, MD

ALiEM Blog Contributor
Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa Staff Physician, The Ottawa Hospital
Stella Yiu, MD


Emergency physician and clinician educator in Ottawa, Canada. Own opinions. Go #FOAMed!