ALiEM Remote Education

With the COVID-19 pandemic underway, residencies and educators across the country are suddenly wondering how to structure didactics and conference time to be remote. has long been a leader in remote teams, and we hope to give guidance and resources to anyone who needs it during this time. Come check back regularly to this page as we live update the best in both archived content as well as new content in the light of a rapidly progressing situation.

Table of Contents


Due to #covid19 many teaching hospitals are trialing virtual conference for weekly didactics. Below are speakers who have stated they would be interested in virtual speaking to fill education gaps that our conferences may have. ALiEM is compiling a list real time, feel free to reach out below directly if you’re interested in what they have to say!

Speaker Nomination Form: To nominate yourself or a colleague for a remote talk, apply here!

EM Conference Dates and Times

Submit your EM Conference information to help facilitate conference collaborations. Courtesy of @ericshappell – Thank you!

ALiEM Connect

A 2-hour, live, free educational telecast with a moderated Slack backchannel discussion and attendance check-in form.

Resources for Hosting Virtual Conferences


  • Free account:
    • Up to 100 participants
    • Up to 40 minutes/meeting
  • Paid Account ($15/month):
    • Up to 100 participants
    • Up to 24 hours/meeting
  • Zoom Support & Tutorials

Resources for Running Live Sessions

This area is still rapidly evolving. In addition to checking this page, check for updates regarding new resource development from these organizations:

Individualized Interactive Instruction (III)

Interactive Instruction (III). Many programs already have systems in place for III, however current circumstances may call for an increased use of this method of instruction. While many educational resources may be used for III, ALiEMU is a free and well-suited platform for this purpose. Links to multiple ALiEMU series are included below, as well as the CORD Education Committee’s publication on best practices for using III.

CORD Best Practices

III Resources

Asynchronous Learning Resources

There are dozens of high-quality resources for asynchronous learning available. This is just a small sample of resources from our organizations and is not meant as a comprehensive list.

If there are additional resources that we have missed, please contact us at [email protected].

Our #REMOTE Series

Mar 13, 202003, 2020

Making Remote Work “Work” for You and Your Organization

By |Mar 13, 2020|Categories: COVID19, How I Work Smarter, Life|Tags: , |Comments Off on Making Remote Work “Work” for You and Your Organization

A 32-year-old male presents for evaluation of fever and mild dry cough. His vital signs are stable and within normal limits, he is in no respiratory distress, and he looks otherwise comfortable. He is a physician at a nearby emergency department and he notifies you that he just learned that he was just exposed to a Coronavirus positive patient. He had not been wearing personal protective equipment at that time. Your diagnosis? High risk [+]

Mar 13, 202003, 2020

Announcing ALIEM Remote

By |Mar 13, 2020|Categories: Administrative, COVID19, Medical Education|Tags: |0 Comments

We are proud to announce the ALiEM Remote series. 2020 has presented a challenging set of circumstances with an ongoing COVID pandemic, uncertainty in the workplace, and multiple educational closures at every level. With our remote series, we aim to help ameliorate these challenges by providing you with great tips and tricks for remote work, remote education, and a list of speakers ready and willing to go virtual for your next department meeting or residency conference. We want [+]

Sep 9, 201609, 2016

IDEA Series: An Asynchronous Curriculum for the Resident as Teacher

By |Sep 9, 2016|Categories: IDEA series, Medical Education|Tags: , |0 Comments

The Problem While residents may accumulate teaching tips and techniques during the course of their training by observing their mentors at work, learning how to educate while balancing the needs of a busy emergency department (ED) is a difficult skill to acquire. Unfortunately, excellent clinical skills do not always equate to effective teaching skills. With training, however, even the initially reluctant teacher can begin to effectively engage learners in the ED. An elective aimed toward developing the resident as a teacher allows residents to acquire [+]

Aug 5, 201608, 2016

IDEA Series: Highlighting FOAM Content through an Asynchronous Course

By |Aug 5, 2016|Categories: IDEA series|Tags: |0 Comments

The Problem Many residents regularly consume FOAM (Free Open Access Medical Education) and online educational materials independently, without faculty guidance or input. At the same time, residency programs are looking for ways to provide high-quality asynchronous learning opportunities to their residents while remaining compliant with the Emergency Medicine Residency Review Committee (RRC-EM) Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) guidelines. [+]

May 1, 201605, 2016

IDEA Series: A Novel Flipped-Classroom Approach to Intern Conference Education featuring EM Fundamentals

By |May 1, 2016|Categories: IDEA series, Medical Education|Tags: |0 Comments

The Problem Delivering a curriculum of core content to interns is both a priority and a challenge. Weekly conference provides time to deliver such a curriculum; however, varied rotation schedules limit consistent conference attendance, and intern-targeted content is inappropriate for upper-level residents. We addressed these challenges by implementing a flipped-classroom intern curriculum using training level-specific breakout sessions and a dedicated resource for asynchronous learning. [+]

Feb 21, 201602, 2016

How I Podcast Smarter: The Gear

By |Feb 21, 2016|Categories: How I Podcast Smarter|Tags: |9 Comments

We are back this week with a new “Working Smarter” mini-series on Podcasting. An increasing number of individuals and residency programs are starting podcasts, but it’s not always obvious how to get started. What hardware is needed? What’s the workflow? What are the pitfalls? To help answer these questions we picked the brains of 9 star Emergency Medicine podcasters (@FOAMpodcast, @srrezaie, @TheSGEM, @stemlyns, @embasic, @Core_EM, @EM_Educator, @EMtogether, @EMCases) and asked them to share their secrets. From dead simple set-ups to [+]

Shuhan He, MD
ALiEM Senior Systems Engineer;
Director of Growth, Strategic Alliance Initiative, Center for Innovation and Digital Health
Massachusetts General Hospital;
Chief Scientific Officer,
Shuhan He, MD
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