SAEM sponsors AIR series

The Society of Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) is now the exclusive, multi-year sponsor of the Approved Instructional Resources (AIR) Series! This series has curated and graded open-access blog posts and podcasts in the field of EM since 2014 to identify and provide high quality, social media-based, educational resources for EM residents. It is one the most used resources for Individualized Interactive Instruction (III) credit, and plus it is free!  We look forward to working more with SAEM, who shares our grand vision for medical education.

This aligns perfectly with our recently re-launched ALiEMU “be free to learn” learning management platform, which houses all of the AIR modules as well as the Capsule Series and In-Training Exam Quizzes. Check out the entire Course Catalog. We can’t wait to share with you the new upcoming content.

Michelle Lin, MD
ALiEM Founder and CEO
Professor and Digital Innovation Lab Director
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Michelle Lin, MD


Professor of Emerg Med at UCSF-Zuckerberg SF General. ALiEM Founder @aliemteam #PostitPearls at Bio:
Michelle Lin, MD