EMS SymbolThe faculty and fellows of the UCSF EMS/Disaster Fellowship Program met monthly over the past 2 years to to write a study guide for for the EMS Medical Board exam based on the National Association of EMS Physician’s (NAEMSP) seminal textbook Emergency Medical Services: Clinical Practice and Systems Oversight [Amazon link] (Kendall Hunt Publishers, David C Cone, Robert E O’Connor and Raymond L Fowler, Series Editors, 2009). We condensed approximately 1,800 pages into 69 pages with a simple format: summary of material and take home messages to help improve our EMS system. Note that the study guide is not intended to be exhaustive. You will see that some chapters had a more thorough review than others, based on the needs of our system (the take home messages may or not be applicable to yours). We would like to share the guide with other EMS professionals as an assist to their preparation to take the examination. This guide may also be helpful for those EM residents interested in EMS as a career.

We have no financial interests to disclose, and do not imply any exam results based on using our work for your studies. We appreciate the hard work that each chapter author put into their contribution, and especially respect the work of editing and publishing taken on by the series and volume editors. In our opinion they have advanced the science of EMS medicine and hope we their readers can continue their efforts in future. We also wish all of those taking the Boards success in their endeavors!

Download EMS Board Exam Study Guide PDF

Study guide authors:
Dr. John Brown, Dr. Mary Mercer, Dr. Katie Tataris


John Brown, MD

John Brown, MD

Associate Clinical Professor, UCSF
Medical Director, San Francisco EMS Agency
Medical Officer, DMAT CA-6