The emergency board in-training exam is a standardized exam that takes place every year in most if not all of the EM residency programs in the United States. It is administered on the last Wednesday in February. The exam is administered by the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM). The knowledge assessed by this exam is what’s expected from residents in their third year of residency. According to ABEM there is a strong correlation between the in-training score and passing of the boards.

A few physicians who contribute to the online concept of Free Open Access Meducation (FOAM) have gathered together and put a website called:

Emergency Board Review

Twitter: @EMBoardReview

Facebook: Emergency Board Review page

On this site, they have uploaded videos reviewing topics not only for the in-training exam but also for the ABEM boards. Here’s their introductory video:

The website’s content and format make it very user-friendly. These guys have experience taking the in-training exam and the ABEM board qualifying exam as well. Dr. Bob Stuntz is a faculty member and Dr. Steve Carroll is a junior attending, and Dr. Jon Schonert is a third year resident. The website contains useful links and other learning material. Although, still a work in progress, the quality is top notch. I hope you go visit their site and benefit from this free open material.

Here are their respective Twitter and blog accounts:

Javier Benitez, MD

Javier Benitez, MD

ALiEM Featured Contributor
Javier Benitez, MD


Medical doctor, tweets not medical advice or endorsements. Interested in #MedEd & technology. Always learning. I'm no expert. No financial conflict of interest.
Javier Benitez, MD