Article review: Standardizing the EM clerkship patient encounter experience

By |Jul 20, 2009|Categories: Education Articles|Tags: |0 Comments

As a medical student, do you remember your EM clerkship experience and whether you saw a wide variety of patient chief complaints? Did your fellow medical student on the EM clerkship rotation, who was going into Orthopedics, seem to only see patients with orthopedic complaints? [+]

Hot off the press: Two journals join Medline

By |Jul 17, 2009|Categories: Medical Education|0 Comments

If a journal gets accepted it into the Medline database, it is viewed with significantly more legitimacy. It follows then that your academic CV is better regarded if your publications appear in journals which are listed on Medline. Plus, it’s just fun to see your name listed in Pubmed when you search yourself! Hmm, that sounded more egotistical than I intended, especially since I don’t have that many publications on Medline… [+]

Article review: Teaching when time is limited

By |Jun 29, 2009|Categories: Education Articles|0 Comments

A 2008 British Medical Journal article focused on practical tips and approaches to teaching in busy environments. This is especially relevant to those of us in Emergency Medicine. We are balancing trying to take care of patients, teach eager learners, and troubleshoot logistical hurdles while trying to find 30 seconds to eat dinner or have a bathroom break! I wonder how many emergency physicians have hydronephrosis at any given time on a shift… Someone should do a study. [+]

Humorous distillation of specialty personalities

By |Jun 25, 2009|Categories: Medical Education|Tags: |2 Comments

If only I had this flowchart when I was a first-year medical student! I too have always felt that emergency physicians have a little baseline crazy in them to be happy and successful in the specialty. This diagram has been floating around the web for years now, and I wanted to share with you. It’s a humorous (partly because there’s some truth to it) decision tree on how to choose your medical specialty. Did you decide upon the right field?   [+]

Article review: Interruptions during oral case presentations

By |Jun 22, 2009|Categories: Education Articles|0 Comments

Do you remember when you were a medical student and had to present patient cases to the ED attending? How often did they interrupt your presentation, and did this affect your learning experience? These were the questions that the following article by Dr. Rachel Chin (a super-mom colleague of mine at SF General) and Dr. Glen Yang answered in her 2007 publication in the Academic Emergency Medicine journal. Pubmed citation [+]

Article review: Time management tips

By |Jun 9, 2009|Categories: Education Articles|2 Comments

I wish I had more time in the day. I was just browsing through the February 2009 Academic EM journal and came upon a commentary “Tuesdays to write… A guide to time management in academic emergency medicine” by Dr. Steven Lowenstein (Univ of Colorado at Denver). In the article, he outlines six time management tips to all of us trying to balance the pressures of our life with clinical care, research, teaching, and administrative duties, amidst an avalanche of hourly emails. I hate to admit it, but I am guilty of falling into most of the traps that he mentions. [+]

Shuhan He, MD
ALiEM Senior Systems Engineer;
Director of Growth, Strategic Alliance Initiative, Center for Innovation and Digital Health
Massachusetts General Hospital;
Chief Scientific Officer,
Shuhan He, MD