The ALiEM Approved Instructional Resources (AIR) and AIR-Pro series are moving from this ALiEM blog, which uses embedded Google Forms for quizzes into our custom learning management system called ALiEMU. ALiEMU will be our one-stop system for asynchronous learning. For U.S. EM residency programs, this will also serve as a central repository for Individualized Interactive Instruction (III) resources for asynchronous conference credit. The cornerstone e-course already on ALiEMU is CAPSULES — a comprehensive EM pharmacology curriculum, whose authorship and editorial team is led by Dr. Bryan Hayes.

For the AIR and AIR-Pro series, we have over 80 U.S. EM residency programs, 4 international EM programs, and 1 PA program using either or both of these series as a part of their didactic curriculum. With over one year’s worth of educational content, we now want to make the user experience more friendly such that one can longitudinally track progress, and programs and easily report their residents’ total III hours for the academic year to the Residency Review Committee (RRC).

What is Capsules?

Thanks to the ALiEM Capsules Series [background information about the series], which was the premiere longitudinal course to launch ALiEMU in 2015, we have worked out many of the kinks and start-up problems of new platforms. The Capsules series, led by Dr. Bryan Hayes, features an all-star team of pharmacists and EM faculty authoring key chapters and quizzes on all things related to EM pharmacology.

Capsules Screenshot

Create an account on ALiEMU

ALiEMU Register

  • Go to the AIR or AIR-Pro home page.
  • View the desired course module and take the corresponding quizzes for course completion.

AIR sample module

Detailed guides on navigating ALiEMU

Specific information for the PD or APD

  • We now have 3 longitudinal series available for III credit: AIR, AIR-Pro, and Capsules
  • Request “Educator Dashboard” access by clicking on the checkbox when registering. Only the following people will be granted access:
    • PDs
    • APDs
    • Program coordinators
    • PD-approved administrative assistants
    • PD-approved Chief Residents who specifically working on resident remediation  will be granted access.
  • As your residents complete the AIR, AIR-Pro, and Capsules modules, your Educator Dashboard will be updated in real-time. Your Dashboard allows you to view your entire program’s progress on the website. This can be filtered by DATE or by SERIES for a more limited view.
  • Tracking III hours: For a quick overview and searching for a particular person or timeframe, it is easiest to use the Educator Dashboard. To count and report III hours, it is best to export the CSV file to sort and collate the data to your program’s needs.

Date Filter


Series-Block filter

Frequently asked questions

  1. As a resident, if I completed an AIR or AIR-Pro module before today (July 1, 2016) using the Google Forms quiz, how can my (A)PD access my data?
    • Your (A)PD still access to the master Google spreadsheet.
    • Contact us, if you are an (A)PD and need your login.
  2. How do I contact someone if I encounter a bug or need help with ALiEMU issues?
  3. If am a resident, can I request Educator Dashboard access?
    • Because the Dashboard has data of your fellow residents, we are currently not granting access, unless your PD specifically requests that we grant you access.
  4. Can I get a certificate for completing each AIR or AIR-Pro course?
    • At the end of each course, you are given the option to print or download your certificate (PDF).



A huge thank-you and virtual standing ovation for the ALiEMU development team of Derek Sifford (Chief Technical Officer), Dr. Chris Gaafary (Chief of Development and Design) and Dr. Jonathan Bronner (Education Design Officer) who worked tirelessly for weeks to make ALiEMU and the AIR/AIR-Pro Series transition a reality. Watching them work and collaborate virtually at a startup-like pace was 99% inspiring and 1% frightening to witness the power of digital technologies.


Also thank-you to Dr. Andy Grock and Dr. Fareen Zaver for facilitating the move of their AIR Series and AIR-Pro Series, respectively. And lastly, thank you to the Council of EM Residency Directors for funding our efforts to create the custom Educator Dashboard for enhanced III tracking.

The ALiEMU Team Members

You can see our entire 50+ member team on ALiEMU’s Our Teams page.

Michelle Lin, MD
ALiEM Founder and CEO
Professor and Digital Innovation Lab Director
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Michelle Lin, MD


Professor of Emerg Med at UCSF-Zuckerberg SF General. ALiEM Founder @aliemteam #PostitPearls at Bio:
Michelle Lin, MD