About Craig Smollin, MD FACMT

Co-Medical Director, California Poison Control System SF Divison
Fellowship Director, UCSF Medical Toxicology Fellowship Program
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
University of California, San Francisco

Herbal Induced Delirium: The Toxicologist Mindset

The Toxicologist Mindset series features real-life cases from the San Francisco Division of the California Poison Control System.

Case: A previously healthy 49-year-old woman presented to the emergency department (ED) with acute onset of confusion. Family members noticed her to have unsteady gait and she complained of blurry vision and difficulty urinating. She denied the use of any drugs or alcohol and took no medications. In the ED, her vital signs were: T 98.7, BP 95/59, P 130, RR 16, and O2 sat 100% on room air. Her pupils were 7 mm and reactive and her skin was dry. Bowel sounds were present. She had no focal neurological findings, but appeared “very confused” and “frightened.”

Serum electrolytes, CBC, and liver function tests were all unremarkable. She had a negative urine drug screen and alcohol level. The ECG demonstrated sinus tachycardia with normal intervals, and the brain CT  was normal.

What are your next thought processes?


By |2018-04-04T03:33:39-07:00Apr 4, 2018|Neurology, Tox & Medications|

Whipped Cream Charger Abuse: The Toxicologist Mindset

whipped cream chargerThe Toxicologist Mindset series features real-life cases from the San Francisco Division of the California Poison Control System.

Case: A 39-year-old man, with no significant past medical history, was brought to the emergency department by family members, over three consecutive days, for anxiety, confusion, and ataxia. In the first two visits, his laboratory work-up, including complete blood cell count, chemistry panel, liver function tests, urine drug screen, and non-contrast head CT, were unremarkable. On his third visit, he was profoundly encephalopathic with confusion and poor concentration. He had bilateral lower extremity weakness and ataxia. He was admitted to the neurology service for further work up. Additional history revealed that hundreds of empty canisters of whipped cream chargers were found in his house.


By |2016-11-11T19:47:20-08:00Oct 17, 2016|Tox & Medications|

Cardiotoxicity from Loperamide Overdose: The Toxicologist Mindset

Loperamide PillsThe Toxicologist Mindset series features real-life cases from the San Francisco Division of the California Poison Control System.

A 21-year-old man with history of opiate abuse was brought in by ambulance after 2 episodes of syncope and 1 episode of self-limited ventricular fibrillation. On initial presentation, the patient was found altered and unresponsive. His mental status improved after the administration of naloxone. On further history, the patient reported ingesting 50 -100 tablets of loperamide (2 mg) daily. A rhythm strip was obtained.



By |2017-03-05T14:18:45-08:00Aug 8, 2016|Tox & Medications|
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