About Jenny Koehl, PharmD, BCPS

Clinical Pharmacist
Department of Emergency Medicine
Massachusetts General Hospital

Influenza Update: IDSA 2018 Guidelines Detailed Review


Symptomatic influenza A and B infections cause worldwide morbidity and mortality every year. Annual vaccination remains the greatest prophylactic measure, but the vaccine is not 100% effective due to mismatch between the circulating and vaccine virus strains. Although most individuals will recover from influenza without incident, some specific patient populations are at high risk for severe complications. The Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) recently updated their clinical practice guidelines.1 We review these key updates, including recommendations on who to test, treat, and provide chemoprophylaxis.


Strategies for Surviving the IV Fluid Shortage: Antibiotic IV to PO Conversions & First Dose via IV Push

iv and oral antibioticsHurricane Maria ravaged Puerto Rico almost 3 months ago, destroying factories that manufacture and distribute medications and related supplies. Healthcare facilities across the nation are now experiencing a critical shortage of small-volume intravenous (IV) fluids, which impacts the supply of IV antimicrobials. With no end in sight, ED providers can protect the quality of patient care by considering 2 strategies: IV to PO conversion and first-dose antimicrobials via IV push.

By |2020-02-23T06:00:34-08:00Dec 13, 2017|Tox & Medications|
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