About Melody Glenn, MD

Emergency Physician
Highland Hospital
Sutter Delta Medical Center
Workit Health

Treating Opioid Withdrawal in the ED with Buprenorphine: A Bridge to Recovery

buprenorphineThe Emergency Department (ED) is the frontline of the opioid crisis, treating patients with opioid-related infections, opioid withdrawal, and overdose. These encounters can be difficult or even downright confrontational. But that does not have to be the case! With the use of buprenorphine, we can “flip the script” for these encounters, encouraging patient-provider collaboration in the treatment of opioid addiction as medical disease.


By |2018-05-30T00:43:53-07:00May 30, 2018|Tox & Medications|

PV Card: Elbow Injuries

elbow injuries

Elbow injuries are a common presentation to the Emergency Department. This pocket card reviews some the imaging, acute management, and some pearls for the following injuries: elbow dislocation, radial head subluxation, supracondylar fractures (such as the xray on the right), radial head fracture, epicondylitis, condyle fractures, and olecranon fracture. Thanks to Dr. Jonathon Hancock (Doctor’s Hospital orthopedist) for the expert peer review.

PV Card: Elbow Injuries

View other PV Cards.


ALiEM Bookclub: When Breath Becomes Air

41jFVZL72YL._SX336_BO1,204,203,200_Dr. Kalanithi was a chief resident in Neurosurgery at Stanford University when he was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. “When Breath becomes Air,” is a touching chronicle of his initial journey into medicine and neurosurgery and subsequent transition to the role of patient after his cancer diagnosis. This profoundly moving memoir is a tribute to his young life and family that he had to leave behind, but also a sad glimpse of the potential that this promising young doctor and author never will attain.


By |2016-11-13T09:43:32-08:00Apr 8, 2016|Book Club|

ALiEM Chief Resident Incubator Must Read EM Journal Articles – 2016 Edition

must read em journal articlesIn November 2013, the blog post 52 Articles in 52 weeks: Landmark EM Articles for EM interns was published on the ALiEM site. Over the subsequent years, many ground-breaking and practice-changing articles have been published. As part of a multi-institutional initiative launched by the ALiEM Chief Resident Incubator (“The Crincubator”), 9 chief residents from across the country pooled together lists of journal articles thought to be most important for the broad spectrum of EM learners. Additional input was obtained from FOAM leaders across the country including Dr. Ryan Radecki and Dr. Jeffrey Kline. These lists can be used by individuals for further learning or by residency programs for journal clubs.


By |2019-02-19T18:50:56-08:00Feb 19, 2016|Education Articles, Incubators, Journal Club|
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