SAEM Clinical Image Series: Flu-like symptoms, oral ulcers, and rash

palmar rash erythema multiforme

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Chief Complaint: Flu-like symptoms, lip pain/swelling, mouth pain, eye redness, and rash

History of Present Illness: Patient is a 35-year-old transgender male with a history of bipolar disorder (taking seroquel/lamotrigine) who presents with 2 days of:

  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Progressive lip pain/swelling
  • Mouth pain
  • Oral ulcers
  • Eye redness
  • New erythematous rash involving the palms/soles and lower extremities

The patient initially noted myalgias, fever, and malaise 2 days ago. Yesterday, the patient woke up with bilateral eye redness and itching, and he developed lip swelling/discoloration and mouth pain throughout the day. He presented to an outside emergency department (ED) 12 hours prior, where he was told that he had a viral infection, given pain medication, and discharged home. He has not taken any other medications. The patient presents to this ED due to progression of symptoms, including the development of a pruritic rash on his palms, soles, and lower extremities. Upon further questioning, the patient also reports vaginal itching and a fishy odor. He has a history of bacterial vaginosis and states that these symptoms feel similar. The patient denies genital sores, vaginal discharge, and vaginal bleeding. He is currently sexually active with men and women, and does not regularly use barrier protection.
