ALiEM-AgileMD logoIt is with great pleasure that announce our 2015-2016 ALiEM-AgileMD Design Fellows: Drs. Catherine Patocka and Jeremy Voros. It was a fierce competition with lots of qualified applicants with great ideas and visions, but Catherine and Jeremy stood out.




CPatockaDr. Catherine Patocka (@Patockaem) is an “emerg doc” (very Canadian saying, eh?) working in Calgary, Alberta and a Clinical Lecturer at the University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine. In her free time she is an educational researcher with interests in resuscitation education, ‘the spacing effect’, ECGs and resident education. In her REAL free time she loves to bake (though she says she’s not very good…yet…), travel (especially to her semi-native Czech Republic), or just go hiking out in the Rocky Mountains. She is really excited to be joining the ALiEM team and breaking into the #FOAMed world. Catherine will be the Senior ALiEM-AgileMD Design fellow for the year.

Catherine’s vision for the year: Well-designed, point-of-care educational resources have the potential to make a huge impact on how we learn and work in emergency medicine. I hope to collaborate with Jeremy, Agile MD and the ALiEM team to re-design the PV cards into a user-friendly product that takes advantage of mobile technology while advancing our understanding of how mobile technology can be used as a tool for working, teaching and learning.


JVorosDr. Jeremy Voros (@VorosMD) is a recent graduate of the Denver Health Residency in Emergency Medicine. He began his circuitous professional career as a marketing director for a modern dance company, lived the good life in Cleveland while attending medical school at Case Western Reserve University, and just left the mountains of Denver for the closer mountains of Salt Lake City where he is joining the E.P.I.C. group at St. Mark’s hospital. He has experience in back and front end web design that he hopes will help take the PV Cards to the next level. Jeremy will be the associate ALiEM-AgileMD Design fellow for the year.

Jeremy’s vision for the year: I hope the ALiEM-AgileMD Fellowship will create a robust digital publishing workflow and provide a model for future distribution of high-quality, reliable, textbook-style educational materials.


We thank all of those who applied to this very competitive fellowship competition round. As Nikita stated last week, if it were possible, we would have brought ALL of them on our team as they were all extremely promising candidates.

Please join us in welcoming Catherine & Jeremy to our ALiEM team!

Teresa Chan, MD, MHPE
ALiEM Associate Editor
Emergency Physician, Hamilton
Associate Professor, McMaster University
Assistant Dean, Program for Faculty Development, McMaster University Ontario, Canada
Teresa Chan, MD, MHPE


ERDoc. #meded #FOAMed Own views expressed. Contributor to @ALiEMteam, @WeAreCanadiEM, ICE Blog, #FeminEM. @MedEdLIFE founder. Works @McMasterU & @HamHealthSci