About Kris Nañagas, MD

Associate Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine
Medical Toxicology Faculty
Indiana University School of Medicine

ACMT Toxicology Visual Pearls – In “Spore” Taste

puffball mushroom spore

A 15-year-old male presents symptomatic several hours after inhaling spores of this mushroom as a home remedy for epistaxis. What is the presentation and pathophysiology of the toxic syndrome associated with this mushroom?

For a video of this mushroom in action: https://youtu.be/G_DXTlvvsco

  1. Dyspnea and cough from hypersensitivity alveolitis
  2. Flushing, nausea and vomiting from acetaldehyde accumulation
  3. Nausea, vomiting and hepatoxicity from RNA synthetase inhibition
  4. Seizures from reduced GABA production in the central nervous system


By |2021-04-10T10:23:37-07:00Apr 7, 2021|ACMT Visual Pearls, Tox & Medications|
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