medic documentDear MEdIC readers: It’s been quite a whirlwind this year for the MEdIC team, and we’re so excited to announce that we’re taking a (much needed) summer hiatus this month to refresh. Tune in when we start “season 2” in late September!

In an effort to continually improve the series, we would love to invite you to participate in our first annual audience evaluation of the MEdIC series. We want to make sure we always strive to meet the needs of our audience, and we would like you to help us by telling us about how you’ve experienced or used MEdIC this year.  Please share a bit about your experience in the following form.

Finally, we would thank the follow folks for all their involvement and participation in helping to make the MEdIC series a great success this year!


The MEdIC Series Honour Roll

Community Curators:

Teresa Chan MD FRCPC MHPE (Candidate)
Eve Purdy MD (Candidate)
Brent Thoma MA MD
Anne Smith MBChB FCEM(SA) Mmed (Emergency Medicine)

Case Writers:

Teresa Chan MD FRCPC MHPE (Candidate)
Justin Hensley MD
Lindsay Melvin MD
Eve Purdy MD (candidate)
Anne Smith MBChB FCEM(SA) Mmed (Emergency Medicine)
Brent Thoma MA MD
Amy Walsh MD

Expert Commentary:

James Ahn MD MHPE(Candidate)
Felix Ankel MD
Teresa Chan MD FRCPC MHPE (Candidate)
Heike Geduld MBChB DipPEC Mmed FCEM(SA)
Justin Hensley MD
Heather Murray MD MS FRCPC
Ali Jalali MD
Bryan Judge MD
Allison Kirkham MD MEd (candidate)
Nadim Lalani MD FRCPC
Michelle Lin MD
David Marcus MD
W. Kenneth Milne MD CCFP(EM)
A.H. Oosthuizen MBChB DipPEC Mmed FCEM(SA)
Ryan Radecki MD
Megan Ranney MD MPH
Jonathan Sherbino MD MEd FRCPC
Anne Smith MBChB FCEM(SA)  Mmed (Emergency Medicine)
J. Kimo Takayesu MD MS
Kirstin Weerdenburg-Yeh MD FRCPC
Robert A. Woods MD MMed FRCPC
Stella Yiu MD CCFP(EM)


Thank-you to the ALiEM community for supporting this online experiment and helping us to create this innovative new learning environment.

Teresa, Brent and the MEdIC team


p.s. Stay tuned for the MEdIC series e-book that will be released this fall…

p.p.s. We are happy to announce that we have had an innovation paper about this series accepted to the journal Academic Medicine.  Stay tuned…

p.p.p.s. We are excited to have new collaborators this upcoming season. You may have already seen them helping with MEdIC 1.12 (Absentee Audience).  Thanks to @SLuckettG and @purdy_eve for their help with the last MEdIC in lieu of Brent – and we look forward to your participation with MEdIC in the coming year.

Brent Thoma, MD MA
ALiEM Associate Editor
Emergency Medicine Research Director at the University of Saskatchewan
Editor/Author at
Brent Thoma, MD MA
Teresa Chan, MD, MHPE
ALiEM Associate Editor
Emergency Physician, Hamilton
Associate Professor, McMaster University
Assistant Dean, Program for Faculty Development, McMaster University Ontario, Canada
Teresa Chan, MD, MHPE


ERDoc. #meded #FOAMed Own views expressed. Contributor to @ALiEMteam, @WeAreCanadiEM, ICE Blog, #FeminEM. @MedEdLIFE founder. Works @McMasterU & @HamHealthSci