In this installment of the SAEM Research Learning Series, co-hosts Dr. Mary Haas and Dr. Nate Haas interview Dr. Michael Puskarich (Associate Professor and Research Director at Hennepin Medical Center), who is an accomplished researcher [Google Scholar citations] on the metabolic response of humans to severe sepsis. This podcast takes a deep dive into the topic of writing specific aims for your research grant proposals. These do’s and don’ts can make or break one’s application.
Key Take Home Points
Key messages from this podcast include:
- Know your audience
- Be an expert in your area
- Tell a compelling story
- Proofread, proofread, proofread
- Find an effective mentor
Podcast: Writing Specific Aims
Listen to the entire SAEM RLS podcast series on Soundcloud, which focuses on delivering valuable research content from experts in the field of emergency research for novice and mid-career researchers.