“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb

The ALiEM Faculty Incubator continues to be an amazing online community of practice for medical educators interested in taking their game to the next level. By helping participants acquire new knowledge and essential tools for scholarship and engagement, Faculty Incubator members have collaborated to create tons of innovative medical education resources for the education community at large. Since they’re coming so fast and furious (and life is busy!), we know there’s a chance you might have missed some of them. We’re highlighting them below to share the awesome productivity!

1. Making Theory Practical

Last year’s participants honed their blogging chops by creating Volume 2 of the Education Theory Made Practical Series on the International Clinician Educators Blog (ICE Blogthat the previous year’s Incubatees started. The full eBook is available for free

We know – theory isn’t always the most riveting reading, but the emphasis here is on practical – if you need some new approaches to the education problems you confront every day, these articles might be just the fresh perspective you’re looking for!

2. Teaming Tips

Anyone ever work with others to accomplish big projects? Anyone wish they could work with groups more effectively or make interactions easier? You can all put your hands down – the Faculty Incubator is here to help! This year, the Incubatees are blogging on helpful tips for team building and have started publishing the Teaming Tips series right here on ALiEM! The first few posts have already been published and can be found below. Check back here over the coming months to learn even more great tips on teamwork.

3. Primers and Collections for New Educators

The Facubator is all about making education content more accessible to everyone. To that end, many of our Faculty Incubator groups have worked on entries in our Academic Primer Series. Using a modified Delphi method, Faculty Incubator participants help discover key articles that get you up to speed on a topic fast, with an emphasis on putting your new knowledge to work right away. You’ll surely find a topic on this list that you’ve been meaning to catch up on, but haven’t quite had the time. They did the literature search and article review, and you get to reap the benefits!

4. Sharing our experiences

Finally, since the Faculty Incubator is such a novel method for engaging in meaningful learning and scholarship with other awesome, motivated educators from around the world, don’t think for a minute that the Faculty Incubator mentors would miss a chance to write it up and tell the world about it! Check out some of these deep dives into how they make the magic happen.

The Faculty Incubator has allowed incredible worldwide collaborations, with faculty educating each other across a year-long longitudinal curriculum on new theories and best practices and creating this outstanding collection of materials for a global audience of educators! We’ve also made some pretty awesome life-long friends and colleagues along the way! Together, we are more productive and are going far through the ALiEM Faculty Incubator Program.

If this sort of thing seems right up your alley, we invite you to come join us for the 2019-2020 edition of the Faculty Incubator! APPLICATIONS CLOSE ON JANUARY 31ST, 2019!

John Casey, DO, MA, FACEP

John Casey, DO, MA, FACEP

Emergency Medicine Physician
Program Director
OhioHealth Doctors Hospital Emergency Medicine Residency
John Casey, DO, MA, FACEP

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Sreeja Natesan, MD

Sreeja Natesan, MD

Editor-in-Chief, ALiEM EM Bound Newsletter
Section Editor, ALiEM Medical Student Home Page
Associate Residency Program Director
Assistant Professor, Duke University
Benjamin Schnapp, MD

Benjamin Schnapp, MD

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Assistant Program Director
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health