Diagnose on Sight: Lower extremity numbness and pain
Case: An 18 year old male presents after a single gunshot wound to his left calf. He complains of pressure-like pain near the wound and sensory numbness below his left knee. On examination, the left leg is tense. He has no dorsalis pedis pulse. Based on the history, exam, and findings in the image, which of the following is true regarding this diagnosis?
Diagnose on Sight: Traumatic low back pain
Case: An 18 year old female was the restrained passenger in a motor vehicle crash moving at 65 mph. She complained of traumatic low back pain radiating to her abdomen. What is the most likely mechanism of injury, based on this video of CT images?
Diagnose on Sight: Chronic Unilateral Lower Extremity Swelling
Diagnose on Sight: Painful Scrotal Swelling
Case: A 48 year old male with a history of alcoholism presents with one day of painful scrotal swelling. What is the most important next step in management? Please read below for uncensored image.
Diagnose on Sight: 6 year old with elbow pain
Diagnose on Sight: Swollen Upper Extremity in a Patient with End Stage Renal Disease
Case: A 45 year old female with end-stage renal disease presents with 2 days of worsening pain, swelling, and color change of her left upper extremity. The symptoms began after her left arm arteriovenous (AV) fistula was accessed for hemodialysis. The skin is tense and a bruit is present. What is your diagnosis for this swollen upper extremity? Click on the image for a larger view.