SAEM Clinical Images Series: A Curious Case of Anisocoria


A 3-month-old male with no past medical history was brought to the emergency department for evaluation of newly asymmetric pupils. The infant appeared to be asymptomatic per parents, without any behavior changes or associated symptoms noted. The patient’s mother noticed her son’s left pupil was dilated and unresponsive to light the morning of presentation. The father had applied a prescription antiperspirant containing glycopyrronium to his axillae the previous evening but denied any known exposure to the infant.

Vitals: BP 85/66; HR 143; RR 42; SpO2 100%; T 98.3°F

Constitutional: No distress, well appearing.

HENT: Left pupil fixed and dilated to 7 mm in the light and the dark; right pupil 2 mm and reactive in the light, 5 mm in the dark. EOM intact bilaterally. No stigmata of trauma. Normal TMs bilaterally.

Neck: Normal range of motion.

Cardiovascular: Normal rate, regular rhythm and normal heart sounds.

Pulmonary: Breath sounds normal, no respiratory distress.

Abdominal: Soft, nontender, nondistended.

Neurological: Alert. Moving all 4 extremities spontaneously. Normal muscle tone. Normal suck and Moro reflexes.

Skin: Normal. No piloerection or sweating. No bruising or lesions.

No labs drawn. Head CT was obtained, which showed no acute intracranial pathology.

Ophthalmology consultation was sought, and an ophthalmologic exam demonstrated unremarkable slit lamp and fundal exams, with no afferent pupillary defect by reverse. The patient’s anisocoria was ultimately attributed to inadvertent glycopyrronium exposure from his father’s prescription antiperspirant, Qbrexza. The patient’s father later noted that he cradled the patient against his chest after applying the antiperspirant, and was not wearing a shirt at the time

Pilocarpine, a cholinergic antagonist that stimulates pupillary constriction, can be used to test mydriatic pupils. Pilocarpine drops will not reverse pharmacologically-induced anisocoria (1). Conversely, it will correct mydriasis caused by tonic pupil or third nerve palsy (2). In our patient’s case, pilocarpine administration did not result in pupillary constriction, supporting the diagnosis of drug-induced anisocoria.

Take-Home Points

  • Evaluation of acute anisocoria in the pediatric population can be challenging due to its wide range of potential etiologies including traumatic, neurologic, inflammatory, and pharmacologic causes. Though most commonly physiologic, anisocoria may represent a pediatric emergency due to the potential for underlying trauma or neurovascular compromise and thus a thorough neurologic exam and history is crucial (1, 20).

  • Inadvertent exposure to drugs such as glycopyrronium, a topical antiperspirant with anticholinergic properties, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of anisocoria in both adult and pediatric patients via inhibition of acetylcholine at the pupillary sphincter muscle (3-13). Other documented pharmacological causes of anisocoria include nebulized ipratropium bromide and scopolamine (14-19).

  • EM Clinicians should consider exposure-related anisocoria in the differential diagnosis of infant patients with acutely asymmetric pupils. In the absence of concerning neurologic findings, identification of potential drug exposures may help to minimize unnecessary testing and radiation exposure, sparing certain patients from time-intensive and costly interventions.

  • 1. Falardeau J. Anisocoria. Int Ophthalmol Clin. 2019;59(3):125-39.

  • 2. Payne WN, Blair K, Barrett MJ. Anisocoria. StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing Copyright © 2023, StatPearls Publishing LLC.; 2023.

  • 3. Pecha JD, Yen KG, Moisiuc A, et al. Anisocoria secondary to antiperspirant wipes in a pediatric population: a case series. J aapos. 2022;26(1):42-3.

  • 4. Chabicovsky M, Winkler S, Soeberdt M, et al. Pharmacology, toxicology and clinical safety of glycopyrrolate. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2019;370:154-69.

  • 5. Coleman MJ, Tomsak RL. A 15-year-old girl with variable anisocoria. Digit J Ophthalmol. 2014;20(1):13-4.

  • 6. Micieli R, Micieli JA. Dilated Pupil in a Patient With Hyperhidrosis. JAMA. 2019;322(3):264-5.

  • 7. Radotra A, Baneke A, Paul B. Mydriasis secondary to use of glycopyrrolate cream. Br J Hosp Med (Lond). 2019;80(12):736.

  • 8. Pashaei-Marandi A, Assam JH, Arnold A, et al. Reversible anisocoria due to inadvertent ocular exposure to topical anticholinergic treatment for primary axillary hyperhidrosis. Can J Ophthalmol. 2019;54(6):e300-e2.

  • 9. Siscos SM, Figenshau K, Rajpara A. Use of gloves when applying topical glycopyrronium for treatment of primary axillary hyperhidrosis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;83(4):e275.

  • 10. Kaufman AR, Gulati S, Curnyn KM. Pharmacologic anisocoria secondary to topical glycopyrronium for axillary hyperhidrosis: an emerging clinical presentation. Can J Ophthalmol. 2020;55(5):464.

  • 11. Al-Holou SN, Lipsky SN, Wasserman BN. Don’t Sweat the Blown Pupil: Anisocoria in Patients Using Qbrexza. Ophthalmology. 2020;127(10):1381.

  • 12. Kaufman AR, Gulati S, Pula JH, et al. Pharmacologic Mydriasis Secondary to Topical Glycopyrronium Tosylate Cloths: Clinical Characterization From a Multicenter Analysis. J Neuroophthalmol. 2022;42(4):530-4.

  • 13. Sandhu M, Eisenstein K. Mydriasis and anisocoria in a pediatric hyperhidrosis patient with interesting findings in the family cat. Pediatr Dermatol. 2023;40(1):210-1.

  • 14. Derinoz-Guleryuz O, Fidanci İ, Men-Atmaca Y. Nebulized Ipratropium Bromide-induced Anisocoria: Why Is Anisocoria Observed?. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2021;20(1):125-128.

  • 15. Kokulu K, Öner H, Özen C, Eroğlu SE, Altunok İ, Akça HŞ. Pharmacologic anisocoria due to nebulized ipratropium bromide: A diagnostic challenge. Am J Emerg Med. 2019;37(6):1217.e3-1217.e4.

  • 16. Pejic R, Klaric B. Transient anisocoria in a patient treated with nebulized ipratropium bromide. Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep. 2017;7:11-13. Published 2017 Apr 12.

  • 17. Thiele EA, Riviello JJ. Scopolamine patchinduced unilateral mydriasis. Pediatrics. 1995;96(3 Pt 1):525.

  • 18. Rodor F, Cottin C, Jouglard J. Transdermal scopolamine and mydriasis. Therapie. 1989;44(6):447-448.

  • 19. Rubin MM, Sadoff RS, Cozzi GM. Unilateral mydriasis caused by transdermal scopolamine. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1990;70(5):569-570.

  • 20. Gross JR, McClelland CM, Lee MS. An approach to anisocoria. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2016;27(6):486-492.

SAEM Clinical Images Series: Pediatric Forehead Swelling


A 12-year-old male with a history of autism spectrum disorder and chronic sinusitis presented for forehead swelling. His mother reported that she noticed progressive forehead swelling for about one month. She had followed up with the patient’s pediatrician and ENT and was given oral cephalexin and fluticasone nasal spray which did not make any changes in his symptoms. The patient denied any fevers or headaches.

Vitals: Temp 97.4°F; BP 100/58; HR 90; RR 18; SpO2 98%.

General: Patient is comfortable appearing, in no acute distress.

ENT: 3×3 cm area of fluctuance centrally located over the forehead with no drainage or surrounding erythema that is minimally tender to palpation. No nasal drainage.

Neuro: Intact with no deficits.

WBC: 14.35

ESR: 23 mm/h

CRP: 0.74 mg/dL

CT demonstrates osteomyelitis of the frontal bone with osseous destruction with a 5 cm bifrontal complex loculated anterior epidural abscess as well as a 3 cm midline frontal subgaleal extracranial scalp abscess.

Findings are consistent with Pott’s Puffy Tumor.

Take-Home Points

  • Pott’s puffy tumor is a rare, life-threatening complication of frontal sinusitis characterized by osteomyelitis of the frontal bone with associated subperiosteal abscess causing swelling and edema over the forehead and scalp. It can be found in all age groups but is most common in adolescents.
  • MRI brain with and without contrast is the preferred imaging modality due to increased sensitivity to detect early intracranial and osseous abnormalities.
  • Treatment is typically surgical intervention with at least 6 weeks of intravenous antibiotics. The infection is typically polymicrobial warranting gram-positive, gram-negative, and anaerobic antibiotic coverage.

  • Sharma P, Sharma S, Gupta N, Kochar P, Kumar Y. Pott puffy tumor. Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent). 2017 Apr;30(2):179-181. doi: 10.1080/08998280.2017.11929575. PMID: 28405074; PMCID: PMC5349820.
  • Masterson L, Leong P. Pott’s puffy tumour: a forgotten complication of frontal sinus disease. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009 Jun;13(2):115-7. doi: 10.1007/s10006-009-0155-7. PMID: 19352731.

SAEM Clinical Images Series: Rectal Bulge

rectal bulge

A 13-month-old, full-term male presented due to intermittent emesis over a 3-week period. He and his parents had COVID one week prior to presentation. He had multiple episodes of non-bloody, non-bilious vomit the day before and the day of presentation. Parents noted he had been listless and unable to tolerate food. The mother was also concerned that he was straining to have bowel movements and that a mass was coming out of his bottom on the ride to the hospital. Parents reported decreased activity, decreased appetite, and decreased urine output. He was born via cesarean section due to breech presentation but had an otherwise uncomplicated prenatal history.

Constitutional: Fatigued.

Gastrointestinal: Diffuse abdominal tenderness. Reducible rectal bulge.

Skin: Pale.

Anion Gap: 19

COVID-19: Positive

WBC: 11.9

Limited Abdominal Ultrasound: A large intussusception is noted, which appears to extend at least to the descending/sigmoid colon.

XR Abdomen: Few prominent, featureless bowel loops with air-fluid levels. No gastric distention.

Air or hydrostatic enemas have a 70-85% success rate in current literature. These are often done under either fluoroscopic or ultrasound guidance. A delayed repeat enema can be done in cases where the initial enema resolved some of the intussusception. If the initial measures are unsuccessful, the patient is unstable, or the patient is exhibiting signs of peritonitis or bowel perforation, surgical management is the next step. This can either be done laparoscopically or open. In this patient’s case, an air enema was attempted but he ultimately required surgery. The surgery was laparoscopic, and he was discharged the same day.

Take-Home Points

  • Consider intussusception in any child with a URI (including COVID-19) and a rectal bulge.
  • Although this patient had a formal ultrasound, POCUS can be a useful tool in the ED to identify and expedite intussusception treatment. The classic “bullseye sign” was seen on this patient’s ultrasound.

  • Mandeville K, Chien M, Willyerd FA, Mandell G, Hostetler MA, Bulloch B. Intussusception: clinical presentations and imaging characteristics. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2012 Sep;28(9):842-4. doi: 10.1097/PEC.0b013e318267a75e. PMID: 22929138.
  • Siafakas C, Vottler TP, Andersen JM. Rectal prolapse in pediatrics. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 1999 Feb;38(2):63-72. doi: 10.1177/000992289903800201. PMID: 10047938.

SAEM Clinical Images Series: Wilma, Take a Look at This!

A 2-year, 11-month-old female with a history of constipation was brought to the ED by her mother for abdominal pain. The mother noticed that the patient’s abdomen had been enlarging for months. When they visited the pediatrician several months ago, the pediatrician also noticed a mildly enlarged abdomen but the patient was asymptomatic at that time. She was well during the interval until more recently, the patient began to complain of persistent abdominal pain and would point to the epigastric area. The patient had two episodes of unprovoked, non-bloody, non-bilious vomiting the morning prior to the ED visit. The patient had been tolerating oral intake well, passing adequate urine, having normal bowel movements, and behaving at baseline. No associated fever, diarrhea, bloody stool, dysuria, hematuria, or weight loss.


Vitals: Temp 97.9 °F (36.6 °C); BP 103/68; Pulse 121; RR 26; SpO2 99% on room air

Constitutional: Active, well-developed, and in no distress.

HEENT: Normocephalic and atraumatic. No scleral icterus. TMs intact, no erythema. No rhinorrhea, no erythema. Moist mucous membranes, oropharynx is clear, no exudates or erythema.

Cardiovascular: Normal rate, regular rhythm and normal heart sounds.

Pulmonary: Breath sounds normal. No wheezing, no stridor, no decreased breath sounds. Normal effort, no acute respiratory distress.

Abdomen: Protuberant, distended abdomen with mild generalized tenderness to palpation. Rigid mass palpated in the upper right quadrant. Normal bowel sounds are heard.

Genitourinary: Normal anatomy. No hernias visualized, no erythema.

Skin: No jaundice or rashes visualized.

Neurological: Awake and alert. No focal deficits present.

CBC: No leukocytosis, leukopenia, anemia, or thrombocytopenia.

CMP: Electrolytes, kidney, and liver function tests were within normal limits.

The most common pediatric renal malignancy is a Wilms tumor, also known as nephroblastoma. It is an embryonal tumor due to disrupted nephrogenesis. It affects approximately 1 in 10,000 children with the median age of onset being 3.5 years (1). The most common chief complaint is abdominal pain, as in this case.

Here a large homogenous mass initially appears to be projecting from the liver, but it can also be seen protruding out of the right kidney. Pediatric abdominal organs commonly overlap so it is essential to note the origination of a mass, primarily for surgical planning. If ultrasound imaging is equivocal, CT is the next best step in differentiating the mass origination. Here, a 12 cm x 9.5 cm x 9 cm mass was noted to originate from the right kidney. If the mass becomes big enough, patients can present with vomiting due to the direct compression of the alimentary tract, such as in this case. Other presenting signs and symptoms may be fever, hypertension, anemia, hematuria, or dysuria (2).

In the US, the National Wilms Tumor Study Group recommends primary nephrectomy followed by a chemotherapy regimen that is tailored to the individual patient and tumor staging. With modern multidisciplinary management, curative therapy is achievable in approximately 90% of affected patients (2). This patient had a successful nephrectomy performed by general surgery and initiated chemotherapy on the medical floor. The patient was eventually discharged home with pediatric oncology follow-up.

Take-Home Points

  • Think of pediatric malignancy if the patient presents with chronic abdominal distention and pain.
  • Pediatric abdominal structures commonly overlap. Knowing the origination of an abdominal mass is essential for surgical planning. If ultrasound is equivocal, CT imaging is the next best step.
  • The definitive management of a Wilms tumor is a multidisciplinary approach, with primary nephrectomy followed by a tailored chemotherapy regimen as the gold-standard treatment in the US.

  1. Spreafico F, Fernandez CV, Brok J, Nakata K, Vujanic G, Geller JI, Gessler M, Maschietto M, Behjati S, Polanco A, Paintsil V, Luna-Fineman S, Pritchard-Jones K. Wilms tumour. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2021 Oct 14;7(1):75. doi: 10.1038/s41572-021-00308-8. PMID: 34650095.
  2. Sonn G, Shortliffe LM. Management of Wilms tumor: current standard of care. Nat Clin Pract Urol. 2008 Oct;5(10):551-60. doi: 10.1038/ncpuro1218. PMID: 18836464.
  3. Leslie SW, Sajjad H, Murphy PB. Wilms Tumor. 2023 May 30. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 28723033.


SAEM Clinical Images Series: Pediatric Neck Mass

neck mass

A 5-year-old female presented to the emergency department (ED) with a one-year history of gradually increasing anterior neck swelling. The patient had no significant past medical history. She also endorsed three weeks of cough and congestion, and one day of muffled voice. She denied difficulty swallowing, fatigue, cold intolerance, or hair and nail changes.

Vitals: BP 87/62; Pulse 80; Temp 36°C (96.8°F); Resp 21; SpO2 99%

Constitutional: No distress. Able to speak in full sentences

HEENT: Normocephalic and atraumatic. Right Ear: External ear normal. Left Ear: External ear normal. Congestion present. Mucous membranes are moist. Tonsils 4+ bilaterally with no exudate.

Neck: Approximately 3 cm x 4 cm mass on the anterior neck that does not move on protrusion of the tongue. Mass is midline and inferior to the laryngeal prominence. No associated erythema, tenderness to palpation, or drainage. No enlarged surrounding lymph nodes on palpation.

Cardiovascular: Normal rate, regular rhythm, and normal heart sounds.

Pulmonary: Breath sounds normal, no stridor, no respiratory distress, no decreased breath sounds, and no wheezes.

Abdominal: Soft. No distention or tenderness.

Neurological: Alert and normal muscle tone.

Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH): > 100 (ref 0.50 – 4.50 MCU/ML).

Free T4: 0.5 (ref 0.8-2.0 NG/DL)

Ultrasound of the neck revealed an enlarged thyroid gland with lobular contours and diffuse hypoechoic echogenicity, without noticeable nodules, fluid collection, or lymphadenopathy.

Differential diagnosis of a neck mass in a pediatric patient includes branchial cleft cyst, thyroglossal duct cyst, cystic hygroma, laryngocele, dermoid cyst, teratoma, thymic cyst, hemangioma, ranula (mucocele), thyroid mass, enlarged lymph node, lymphoma, rhabdomycosarcoma, neuroblastoma, and melanoma [1]. When evaluating a neck mass, reviewing whether the mass is congenital vs acquired and midline vs lateral will help with narrowing down the differential diagnosis. The photo reveals a prominent anterior lower neck mass with the outline of right lobe of the thyroid gland clearly visible.

The patient was diagnosed with hypothyroidism with goiter, likely Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. She was discharged from the ED on levothyroxine 25 mcg daily with endocrinology outpatient follow-up. Levothyroxine monotherapy is the standard of care in hypothyroidism management [2]. Thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin antibodies were found to be positive on subsequent labwork, which confirmed diagnosis.

Take-Home Points

  • Enlarged goiter in the setting of hypothyroidism should be considered in a pediatric patient with a midline lower neck mass.
  • When suspecting hypothyroidism, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and free T4 should be included in the evaluation. An ultrasound and thyroid antibodies may also be helpful to confirm diagnosis.

  • Geddes G, Butterly MM, Patel SM, Marra S. Pediatric neck masses. Pediatr Rev. 2013 Mar;34(3):115-24; quiz 125. doi: 10.1542/pir.34-3-115. PMID: 23457198.
  • Jonklaas J, Bianco AC, Bauer AJ, Burman KD, Cappola AR, Celi FS, Cooper DS, Kim BW, Peeters RP, Rosenthal MS, Sawka AM; American Thyroid Association Task Force on Thyroid Hormone Replacement. Guidelines for the treatment of hypothyroidism: prepared by the american thyroid association task force on thyroid hormone replacement. Thyroid. 2014 Dec;24(12):1670-751. doi: 10.1089/thy.2014.0028. PMID: 25266247; PMCID: PMC4267409.

PEM Pearls: Approach to Spontaneous Intracranial Hemorrhage in Pediatric Patients

pediatric intracranial hemorrhage on MRI


A 6-year-old female with a past medical history of immune thrombocytopenia presents to the Emergency Department (ED) for concerns of dysarthria that started the day prior to arrival. The patient’s mother denies any recent trauma, including head injury.

Vitals and Physical Exam

  • Blood pressure 109/80
  • Pulse 121 beats/minute
  • Respiratory rate 22 breaths/minute
  • Oxygen saturation 100% on room air
  • Temperature 36.8ºC

Her physical exam is remarkable for a mild right-sided facial droop with forehead sparing and dysarthria.

Initial Work-Up

The patient’s ED workup shows the following:

  • Point-of-care glucose: Normal
  • Platelet count: 0 platelets/liter
  • Hemoglobin: 9.8 g/dL
  • Head CT: Frontal lobe hemorrhage


Although rare, pediatric intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) contributes to almost half of all childhood strokes and can cause lifelong disability and death [1]. One 3-center prospective study on pediatric ICH noted a 9% mortality rate with ⅓ of survivors having “significant disability” at 2-year follow-up [2]. Primary predictors of adverse outcomes from pediatric ICH involve the following [2-4]:

  • Hemorrhagic lesion volume
  • Presence of hydrocephalus and/or herniation
  • Altered mental status

Multiple studies consistently point to vascular causes such as arteriovenous malformation as a leading risk factor for spontaneous pediatric ICH followed by hematological pathologies including coagulation deficiencies [5-7].  No matter the cause, the sequelae of pediatric ICH can be devastating making early detection and immediate intervention essential for better outcomes. Unfortunately, given children often present with vague and non-specific symptoms, there is often a delay in presentation to care and in diagnosis [8]. Unfortunately, in contrast to adults, there are no set guidelines for the management of pediatric ICH despite its associated morbidity and mortality.

Clinical Findings

Although headache is the most common presenting symptom, other symptoms can vary [6,8,9]. In one study, children <6 years old were more likely to present with symptoms such as seizures and altered mental status, while children ≥6 years presented more with focal deficits, headache, vomiting, and altered mental status [9].

Presenting Symptom/FindingIncidence
Altered mental status37-50%
Focal deficits (hemiparesis and aphasia)16-50%
Table 1. Incidence rates of common symptoms and findings in pediatric patients with a spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage (adapted from Boulouis G, et al [7].) 

Differential Diagnosis

Given how rare pediatric ICH is, consider other diagnoses when a patient presents with focal deficits, altered mental status, and/or vague symptoms such as headache and weakness.

  1. Bell’s palsy
  2. Cerebral venous thrombosis
  3. Complicated migraines
  4. Drug intoxication/exposure
  5. Inborn error of metabolism
  6. Intracranial mass
  7. Ischemic stroke
  8. Metabolic derangements (hypoglycemia, hyponatremia)
  9. Non-accidental trauma
  10. Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES)
  11. Seizures with Todd’s paralysis

Approach for the ED Provider

Key history questions:

  1. When did the symptoms start?
  2. Does the child or anyone in the family have any history of bleeding disorder?
  3. Have you noticed excessive bruising from minimal trauma?
  4. Has the child had any recent illnesses?

Key physical exam findings:

  1. Is there any bruising, gum bleeding, or signs of non-accidental trauma?
  2. In infants, is the fontanelle bulging or flat?
  3. Are there any focal neurologic findings such as facial droop, pupil asymmetry, etc?
  4. Are there any signs of increased intracranial pressure (i.e., papilledema)?

Workup to initiate:

Emergency medicine physicians should have strong suspicion for ICH particularly in the setting of a pediatric patient presenting with acute onset of headache, vomiting, altered mental status, seizure, and/or focal deficits.

  1. Emergent neuroimaging: CT or MRI is essential in order to distinguish between ischemic versus hemorrhagic causes. CT is often the first imaging study completed due to ease of access. If no acute intracranial process is noted, MRI is warranted to evaluate for ischemic stroke or other etiology.
  2. Laboratory studies:
    • Point-of-care glucose
    • Comprehensive metabolic panel
    • Ammonia (if concerned for inborn error of metabolism)
    • Comprehensive blood count
    • Prothrombin time with INR, partial thromboplastin time
    • Urine drug screen (if concerned for drug exposure contributing to symptoms)


If a patient has a confirmed ICH, consultation with neurosurgery is required. Immediate transfer may be necessary if your facility does not have neurosurgical services. Further management includes:

  1. Reversing coagulopathy [7,10,11]:
    • If the patient has an underlying coagulopathy, consider intravenous vitamin K and/or fresh frozen plasma.
    • Pediatric patients with hemophilia require immediate factor replacement (factor VIII or IX).
    • Patients on anticoagulation need anticoagulation reversal with the appropriate reversal agents.
  2. Neuroprotective supportive measures (prevent worsening brain injury)
    • Monitor the patient closely with frequent neurologic checks for any signs of deterioration.
    • Maintain euglycemia as hyperglycemia is associated with worse outcomes [7].
    • Maintain normothermia. Use external cooling measures or antipyretics to manage hyperthermia [10].
    • Treat clinical and subclinical seizures with antiepileptics. Consider EEG monitoring to detect subclinical status [7].  The benefits of prophylactic administration of antiepileptics is unknown in this population [10].
    • Avoid hypotension [7, 10]. There are no established guidelines for hypertension management in pediatric ICH; blood pressure goals should be discussed with the neurosurgical team and blood pressure variability should be avoided.
  3. Treatment of increased intracranial pressure:  If the patient has a change in mental status or develops focal deficits, an increase in intracranial pressure should be suspected [10,11].
    • Treat hypotension, hypercapnia, and hypoxia.
    • Elevate the head of the bed to 30 degrees.
    • Ensure appropriate pain control.
    • Sedation may be necessary but be wary of resultant hypercapnia and consider intubation if patients require a lot of sedation or become too somnolent following medication.
    • In patients with acute deterioration or concern about impending herniation, consider hyperventilation if the patient is intubated and/or treatment with a hyperosmolar agent like mannitol or hypertonic saline.
    • Some patients may need acute interventions such as an external ventricular drain or operative decompression with clot removal.
    • Steroids have not been shown to be beneficial [10].

Case Resolution

The patient was transferred to a tertiary care center. Further imaging confirmed an intraparenchymal hemorrhage in the left frontal lobe and right parietal lobe with midline shift. No underlying lesions or vascular malformation were seen.

Management: The patient was admitted to intensive care and received tranexamic acid and a platelet transfusion. She was monitored by neurosurgery but no surgical interventions were needed. For her idiopathic thrombocytopenia, she received steroids and IV immunoglobulin.

Hospital Course: Her deficits and platelet count improved during her stay, and she was discharged on hospital day 5 with outpatient neurology and hematology follow-up.

Outpatient: Repeat imaging 3 weeks after discharge showed resolution of the midline shift and decrease in hemorrhage size.


  • Consider pediatric ICH in patients presenting with focal deficits, altered mental status, and/or generalized symptoms such as headache, seizures, and weakness.
  • Management of pediatric ICH is focused on maintaining physiological homeostasis and preventing further brain injury.
  • Call your neurosurgical team early for consultation and evaluation or transfer your patient to the appropriate tertiary care center.

Read more pediatric EM blog posts in the PEM Pearls series.


  1. Baldovsky MD, Okada PJ. Pediatric stroke in the emergency department. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2020;1(6):1578-1586. Published 2020 Oct 6. doi:10.1002/emp2.12275. PMID: 33392566
  2. Porcari GS, Beslow LA, Ichord RN, Licht DJ, Kleinman JT, Jordan LC. Neurologic Outcome Predictors in Pediatric Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Prospective Study. Stroke. 2018;49(7):1755-1758. doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.118.021845 PMID: 29895534
  3. Guédon A, Blauwblomme T, Boulouis G, et al. Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Pediatric Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Development and Validation of a Modified Score. Radiology. 2018;286(2):651-658. doi:10.1148/radiol.2017170152 PMID:29023219
  4. Jordan LC, Kleinman JT, Hillis AE. Intracerebral hemorrhage volume predicts poor neurologic outcome in children. Stroke. 2009;40(5):1666-1671. doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.108.541383 PMID: 19286576
  5. Ciochon UM, Bindslev JBB, Hoei-Hansen CE, et al. Causes and Risk Factors of Pediatric Spontaneous Intracranial Hemorrhage-A Systematic Review. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022;12(6):1459. Published 2022 Jun 13. doi:10.3390/diagnostics12061459 PMID: 35741269
  6. Al-Jarallah A, Al-Rifai MT, Riela AR, Roach ES. Nontraumatic brain hemorrhage in children: etiology and presentation. J Child Neurol. 2000;15(5):284-289. doi:10.1177/088307380001500503 PMID: 10830193
  7. Boulouis G, Blauwblomme T, Hak JF, et al. Nontraumatic Pediatric Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Stroke. 2019;50(12):3654-3661. doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.119.025783 PMID: 31637968
  8. Yock-Corrales A, Mackay MT, Mosley I, Maixner W, Babl FE. Acute childhood arterial ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in the emergency department. Ann Emerg Med. 2011; 58:156–163. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2010.10.013 PMID: 21310508
  9. Lo WD, Lee J, Rusin J, Perkins E, Roach ES. Intracranial Hemorrhage in Children: An Evolving Spectrum. Arch Neurol. 2008;65(12):1629–1633. doi:10.1001/archneurol.2008.502 PMID: 19064750
  10. Ferriero DM, Fullerton HJ, Bernard T, et al. Management of stroke in neonates and children. A scientific statement from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke. 2019;50:e51-e96. doi: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000183 PMID: 30686119
  11. Tsze D and Steele D. Neurosurgical Emergencies, Nontraumatic. In: Fleisher G and Ludwig S,. eds. Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 6e. Lippincott Willimas and Wilkins. 2010. Accessed online 5/23/2024.

From Collision to Clarity: PECARN cervical spine injury prediction rule for injured children

PECARN cervical spine injury prediction tool featured image (adapted from Midjourney)

For years, adult literature has provided clear guidelines for cervical spine imaging through the NEXUS and Canadian C-spine Rule (CCR) tools. These have been invaluable in helping clinicians decide when to image the neck in trauma patients. Similarly, the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) has developed robust tools for assessing blunt head trauma in children. However, until now, there has been a gap in guidance for clinicians managing pediatric patients at risk for cervical spine injuries.

Case Scenario: What would you do?

A 10-year-old boy presents to the emergency department (ED) after a high-speed motor vehicle collision. He complains of neck pain and is reluctant to move his head. The child’s mother is extremely worried, fearing the worst after witnessing the collision.

The Problem

Cervical spine injuries in children, while uncommon, can be devastating if not identified and treated promptly. Emergency physicians often face the challenge of deciding whether to proceed with imaging, given the potential risks associated with ionizing radiation from CT scans. The lack of clear guidelines specifically tailored for pediatric patients has historically led to either overuse of imaging, with its associated risks, or underuse, with the risk of missed injuries.

PECARN Cervical Spine Injury Prediction Rule

On June 4, 2024, Lancet published “PECARN prediction rule for cervical spine imaging of children presenting to the emergency department with blunt trauma: a multicentre prospective observational study.” This study proposes a new clinical prediction rule to guide imaging decisions for pediatric cervical spine injuries.

The study enrolled 22,430 children, aged 0–17 years, presenting with blunt trauma across 18 PECARN-affiliated ED in the US. About half were in the derivation and half in the validation cohort. The researchers derived and validated a clinical prediction rule using data from these children, which identified key risk factors for cervical spine injury, divided into high-risk and non-negligible (intermediate) risk factors.

High Risk (>12.1% risk of injury) -> Consider CT

  • Altered mental status (GCS 3-8 or AVPU = U)
  • Abnormal airway
  • Breathing
  • Circulation findings
  • Focal neurological deficits

Intermediate Risk (2.8% risk of injury) -> Consider X-Rays

  • Neck pain or midline neck tenderness
  • Mental status: GCS 9-14, AVPU = V or P, or other signs of altered mental status
  • Substantial head or torso injury

Definition on Cervical Spine Injury

  • Fractures or ligamentous injuries of the cervical spine
  • Cervical intraspinal hemorrhage
  • Cerebral artery injury
  • Cervical spinal cord injury, including
    • Changes in the cervical spinal cord on MRI
    • Cervical spinal cord injury without radiographic association
PECARN Cervical Spine Injury Prediction Tool

PECARN Cervical Spine Injury Prediction Tool (Download full sized PDF at PECARN site)

The prediction rule had strong test characteristics with 94.3% sensitivity and 99.9% negative predictive value, indicating that it can reliably identify children who do not need imaging, thus avoiding unnecessary radiation exposure. This evidence-based approach to pediatric trauma care would have reduced the number of CT scans by more than 50% without missing clinically relevant injuries.

Case Example Resolution

Using the PECARN cervical spine injury prediction rule, the attending physician evaluates the boy and finds that he does not exhibit any high-risk factors. However, because he reports neck pain and has midline neck tenderness on exam (intermediate risk), the rule recommends that the cervical spine can not be clinically cleared. It also suggests plain x-rays and not a CT scan. This differs from the adult population whereby CT scan imaging is often the first choice for diagnostic testing.

The x-rays reveal no evidence of cervical spine injury, and the boy is cleared with instructions for follow-up care. This approach not only alleviated the mother’s anxiety but also avoided unnecessary radiation exposure for the child.


Leonard JC, Harding M, Cook LJ, et al. PECARN prediction rule for cervical spine imaging of children presenting to the emergency department with blunt trauma: a multicentre prospective observational study. Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2024;8(7):482-490. doi:10.1016/S2352-4642(24)00104-4. PMID 38843852

By |2024-07-03T10:30:13-07:00Jun 10, 2024|Pediatrics, Radiology, Trauma|
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