About Jeff Riddell, MD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine
Co-Director, Medical Education Fellowship
LA County + USC Emergency Medicine Residency, Department of Emergency Medicine
Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California

Beyond the Abstract | Resident Motivations and Experiences in Listening to Educational Podcasts

Podcasts are all the rage these days, and it is not surprising that some residents spend more time with podcasts than any other educational resource.​1–3​ But why? And how do podcasts fit with other forms of learning, like lectures, textbooks, and clinical teaching?

In our recent article published in Academic Medicine, we explored these questions. Using qualitative interviews and analysis, we identified 3 overarching themes that shed light on residents’ podcast listening behaviors and the tensions with which listeners wrestled.​4​


Diagnose on Sight: Shortness of Breath

shortness of breathCase: 55-year-old restrained driver is reporting severe shortness of breath and right sided chest pain after a high-speed motor vehicle collision. Her respiratory rate is 26 breaths/min and her oxygen saturation is 96% on a 15-liter non-rebreather. She has decreased breath sounds on the right, epigastric tenderness, and an abdominal seatbelt sign. What is the diagnosis?


By |2016-12-22T19:21:45-08:00Jan 18, 2016|Diagnose on Sight, Trauma|

Diagnose on Sight: Diffuse Desquamating Dermatitis

stevens-johnson syndromeCase: An 84 year old female presents with five days of a diffuse rash. She had a seizure and was started on phenytoin 2 weeks ago. Her mouth, labia, and medial canthi are involved. There are scattered areas of desquamation comprising less than a tenth of her total body surface area. She is tachycardic and febrile. Her complete blood count differential is normal. What is the diagnosis?


By |2016-12-22T19:43:02-08:00Jun 8, 2015|Dermatology, Diagnose on Sight|
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