About Michelle Lin, MD

ALiEM Founder and CEO
Professor and Digital Innovation Lab Director
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of California, San Francisco

ALiEMU Relaunch: Get a new account to check out our new look, digital badges, and courses

ALiEMU relaunch

ALiEMU is 5 years old, and we are moving out of our toddler stages and growing up developmentally. As we all rely more heavily on digital resources during the COVID-19 era, we felt that this was the perfect time for a major upgrade. Our team remains committed to the motto of “Be Free to Learn,” and in accordance with this mantra, all of the content on our custom learning management system is open-access for anyone interested in learning about emergency medicine topics. We also remain committed to helping EM residency programs who need a trusted resource for asynchronous conference credit (Individualized Interactive Instruction). We have hosted 12,000 learners and awarded 40,000 course certificates since 2015, but we are starting fresh with a new user database after the relaunch. Why and what is new?


By |2020-08-06T12:38:09-07:00Aug 3, 2020|ALiEMU|

EM Match Advice: Program Directors Reflect on the 2020 Residency Match

EM match advice residency emergency medicine

How competitive was the 2020 EM residency match? Although COVID-19 has changed some of the rules and planning for the 2020-21 residency application season, historical data still remains a helpful guide. We have updated our annual table summarizing how competitive the EM residency match was, based on National Residency Matching Program (NRMP) data.


By |2021-07-01T10:01:23-07:00Jun 7, 2020|EM Match Advice, Podcasts|

All-EM Residency Graduation Extravaganza: Save the Date

all-EM residency graduation emergency medicine speakers

We invite all of you to join the first-ever all-EM residency graduation event to celebrate the #EMClassof2020 who are embarking on their professional careers in an especially tumultuous time in history. Although this online event cannot replace the experience of an in-person departmental event, we hope that we can all take a collective pause to realize how connected we are in EM and even find some joy in these dark times. As a testament to this momentous “leveling-up” event, world-class speakers, Dr. Esther Choo, Dr. Mel Herbert, and Dr. Amal Mattu will headline a series of well-wishes and inspirational words. We have pulled out all the stops and spared no expense to honor YOU, the future of EM!


By |2020-06-08T16:15:47-07:00Jun 5, 2020|Academic, Social Media & Tech|

ALiEM Statement Against Racism

ALiEM Statement Against Racism

Illustration by Dr. Moises Gallegos

Academic Life in Emergency Medicine (ALiEM) stands in solidarity with emergency physicians and learners in denouncing the structural racism and acts of violence that disproportionately affect persons of color. ALiEM denounces the senseless death of George Floyd which adds to the ever-rising numbers of deaths among Black men and women. The dissemination of the now-viral video documenting Mr. Floyd’s last desperate moments has brought a renewed public awareness to a disease that has for far too long afflicted this nation. We see the injustice and disparities in healthcare that are made even more visible during the COVID-19 pandemic. ALiEM is committed to taking action against racism and discrimination and joins the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM), and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) in urging frontline healthcare providers, educators, and leaders to promote a safe, equitable, and inclusive learning and patient care environment in emergency medicine. We support diversity in free and open access to medical education and uphold efforts to embrace our common humanity.

By |2020-06-01T16:43:29-07:00Jun 2, 2020|Public Health|

Tricks of the Trade Book: Pre-order release of first 500 copies

tricks of the trade in emergency medicine bookWill there be a return to book publishing in this era of digital information chaos and overload? We believe so. We are proud to announce “Tricks of the Trade in Emergency Medicine: Where Experience, Ingenuity, and Evidence Intersect.” Being our own publishers (ALiEM Publishing) and selling through a print-on-demand bookstore has allowed us to design the book with full creative license. In stark contrast to our blog and other digital-based projects, we aimed to create a hardback, full-color book that you can read on a lazy Sunday afternoon, give as a graduation gift, or look delightful on your coffee table. We hope these tips spark your own creativity on how you can better improve your troubleshooting abilities on your next Emergency Department shift.


By |2020-05-12T23:19:53-07:00May 18, 2020|Tricks of the Trade|

ALiEMU New Course: Pediatric Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral IV Access

ALiEMU peripheral IV access pediatric EM ultrasoundDid you know that the ALiEMU learning management platform has courses in addition to the AIR Series? We just published the third installment of the pediatric point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) series, which focuses on peripheral IV access using ultrasonography. Do you use the traditional transverse, transverse with dynamic needle tip visualization, or longitudinal ultrasound technique?


By |2020-04-27T14:42:47-07:00May 10, 2020|ALiEMU, Pediatrics, Ultrasound|

Welcoming PECARN to Twitter

twitter PECARNOur organization has always been a champion and fan of the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) research collaborative. We jointly worked on designing their official Head Injury Decision Tool found printed in various emergency departments around the country, featured several PECARN authors on our ALiEM podcast, and provide summaries of their 147-and-growing list of publications in our P3 app. So it follows that we are incredibly honored and thrilled to announce our Twitter collaboration. We will be helping to run their Twitter account. Join @PECARNteam and keep current on their growing list of publications, their clinical take-home points, and even insights from the authors themselves.


By |2020-04-26T16:37:58-07:00May 1, 2020|Pediatrics, Social Media & Tech|
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