Trick of the Trade: Got a shoulder dislocation? Park it


Myriad techniques exist to reduce shoulder dislocations, which includes scapular rotation, Hennepin, Snowbird, Cunningham, and Legg maneuvers. They are nicely reviewed at You can also supplement any technique with ultrasound-guided intraarticular lidocaine for improved pain control.

Recently, Dr. Jay Park (Beth Israel Medical Center in New York) contacted me about his novel approach to shoulder reduction which anatomically makes sense. If his animation video doesn’t convince you, check out the video of an actual reduction.


By |2019-01-28T21:59:02-08:00Jun 25, 2013|Orthopedic, Tricks of the Trade|

Transient Synovitis vs Septic Arthritis of the Hip

Limping is a common reason for parents to bring their children to emergency departments. It is known that 77% of acute, atraumatic limp is dealt with in the ED, and 20% do not even complain of pain.1 Our job as physicians is to complete appropriate assessments to not miss any serious pathology. Specifically, differentiating between transient synovitis (TS) and septic arthritis (SA) of the hip can be difficult and frustrating for everyone. What is your approach?


By |2019-09-10T13:38:27-07:00May 1, 2013|Orthopedic, Pediatrics, Radiology|
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